Page 23 - VAFM Section 1
P. 23
Requirements for Quality Control Specialist
Required Work Hours: Personal Trainers are required to be at work and in uniform five
minutes prior to their training sessions. Each personal training session is 30 minutes unless
scheduled otherwise. Personal trainers are responsible for tracking monthly progress of each
client. This includes measurements and fitness evaluations. If a trainer is late to a session it
will result in a verbal warning for the first occurrence, written warnings to follow and possible
termination for multiple offenses.
Earning Commission: To receive full commission the contract must have the following:
Processing, first and last month’s dues collected at time of signing. Half commission is paid
when, as a new client, only processing and first months dues are collected and as an
existing client only first month’s dues are collected at the time of signing. Client must be 18
years or older unless signed by parent/guardian. Correct Drafting Date must be selected.
Session price does not drop below approved price sheets unless stated otherwise by Upper
Management and/or marketing department. Signatures at all applicable areas on the
contract. Valid billing on file during the day of signing. New Client Checklist uploaded. All of
these items must be done during sign up. If anything is missing or invalid, commission will
not be counted toward personal or club goals. The commission tier represents the total
invoice of your personal sales. To figure out commission use the following formula: Total
invoice sold x Commission Tier= Total Commission.
Decommission Events: No signatures on the agreement during sign up. Invalid billing
information inputted at sign up. Cash taken during sign up (not a PIF). Processing and first
month’s dues collected within same pay period. A 3 day cancellation would occur resulting in
a member getting a full refund. No commission events would also entail the deduction of
that agreement from the ATD’s personal goal and the club goal. That agreement would be
deducted from the total numbers for that pay period.
3 Month Decommission Clause: This clause takes effect any time a member cancels, or
declines before the 3rd payment has been received by Fit Physiques. The 3 month
decommission works to protect our clients and assure they are receiving a professional level
of services while in our facilities (Training, measurements, etc.). If this clause is instituted,
the sales team associate or Personal trainer will be notified of the cancellation. Any
commission received on that contract will be decommissioned on the following pay check.
Examples of a 3 month decommission clause: Client moves away and cancels Personal
Trainer within 3 months of their contract. Client cancels due to poor service by club within 3
months of payments. Client cancels due to an invalid contract or false information given to
them about the contract by the sales associate..