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Photograph by Marco Verch,

                         The impact of COVID-19

                            on soya bean markets

         By Ikageng Maluleke, Grain SA

                  he COVID-19 pandemic has   increase logistical restrictions and   have banned grain and oilseed exports to
                  plunged the world into a   protectionism, short-term food shortages   non-European countries, creating supply
                  global health crisis. Most   will become a reality. In the long term   problems. India has also further disrupted
                  countries are under lockdown,   expectations are that global economic   the animal feed supply chain with the
         T while some are slowly            recessions will have a negative effect   partial closure of its international ports.
         easing regulations and getting back to   on the value of food commodities.   The soya bean crush pace picked up
         normal. However, it is no secret that the                             substantially in February and March in
         pandemic is changing market dynamics,   Global production             the United States (US), which remains
         bringing with it a lot of uncertainty.  Looking at global soya bean production   a hot spot for soya bean use as exports
            It is still not known what COVID-19’s    for 2019/20, it is expected that production   continue to disappoint. However, an
         impact will be in the long term. In   will drop by around 7% compared to the   expansion in crushing activity in the
         the short term, however, the main   2018/19 season, owing to a downgrade in   US may be hampered by the decline
         concern is the impact of lockdowns   prospects for South America. Soya bean   in demand from the animal feed
         and trade barriers on grains and   yields in some parts of Brazil and Argentina   sector, locally and internationally.
         oilseeds. For instance, earlier in the   came out lower than expected following   There has been a decrease in the
         year Argentinian grain trucks were   extended periods of hot and dry weather   consumption of fish and meat globally,
         blocked and soya beans could not   during critical stages of development.   therefore reducing demand for grains and
         reach crushing plants or international                                oilseeds. It is estimated that the demand
         markets. Argentinian exports only   Global consumption                for soya bean for animal feed will decrease
         picked up again in late March.     In light of the COVID-19 pandemic,   by 6% in countries such as Vietnam,
            Lockdowns are making it difficult for   the animal feed sector is facing major   Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines
         trade to occur seamlessly. If countries   challenges; countries such as Romania   this year. The animal feed sector is

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