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this season was 0,03% compared to    The weighted average percentage
          the 0,06% of the previous season.  crude fibre varied from 5,8% in KwaZulu-
            The national weighted average   Natal to 7% in the Northern Cape.
          percentage of soya beans and parts of   The South African weighted
          soya beans above the 1,8mm slotted   average, 6,3%, was the second
          sieve, which passed through the 4,75mm   highest of the annual surveys
          round hole sieve, decreased from 1,54%   since the 6,8% reported in the
          the previous season to 1,13% this season.   2015/16 season. This season,
          The weighted average percentage   the average ash content was
          defective soya beans on the 4,75mm   4,34%, the highest of the eight
          sieve increased from 1,91% last season   seasons since commencement
          to 2,3% this season. Wet pods were   of the crop surveys and 0,07%
          not present in any of the samples.   higher than the previous season.
                                               Samples from the Northern Cape   vary
          Notable results                   and Limpopo, as well as the North West   in order
          The 2018/19 season is the first season   to a lesser extent, tend to show higher   to successfully
          in which the SAGL conducted moisture,   ash contents over seasons compared   validate the authenticity of a specific
          crude protein and crude fat analyses on   to the other provinces. The nutritional   vegetable oil. Building a database requires
          the soya bean cultivar trial samples of   component analyses results in this article   gathering of information over different
          the ARC Grain Crops. Table 1 contains   are reported on an as is/as received basis.  seasons, areas and cultivars in order to
          a comparison of the results of the crop                              give a true reflection of the ranges wherein
          survey and cultivar trial samples.  Fatty acid profile analyses      fatty acids can differ. There is currently
            The weighted average crude protein   An exciting and important addition to the   no national updated database for the
          content of the crop samples this   quality survey this season is the inclusion of   fatty acid composition of soya bean oil.
          season was 37,6% compared to the   fatty acid profile analyses. Fatty acid profiles   It is important that South Africa, as a
          37,4% of the previous season. As in the   are the most important tool for identifying   soya bean producing country, develops
          previous two seasons, Limpopo had   the authenticity of vegetable fats and oils.   and maintains a national fatty acid profile
          the highest weighted average crude   All types of oil have their own specific fatty   database to the benefit of the oilseeds
          protein content (38,74%); the Free State   acid profile that is unique to that product.   industry. Annual analysis of crop and
          (36,9%) reported the lowest average. The   The unique fatty acid profile of each   cultivar samples will ensure that the
          weighted average crude fat percentage   product/crop is a combination of saturated,   natural variation caused by different
          of 17,8% was slightly lower than the   monounsaturated and polyunsaturated   cultivars, as well as the influence of
          18% in the previous season and also   oils and is specific to that type of oil.   climate and locality, are included in the
          the lowest of the last six seasons.   The fatty acid profiles of every crop,   database values. Seasonal variations
            The samples from KwaZulu-Natal had   however, are subject to variation. The   will also be addressed. Recording all
          the highest weighted average crude   variation or typical pattern of fatty acids   variations applicable to the crops in
          fat content, namely 19,2%. The lowest   in a specific oil not only influences the   the database will enable the annual
          average fat contents were observed   stability and physical properties of the oil,   review of the specified ranges.
          in the Free State and Northern Cape   but also aids in distinguishing one type   Precision Oil Laboratories was
          with 17,3 and 17,4%, respectively.  of oil from another. The variation of fatty   subcontracted to perform fatty acid
                                                              acids within the   profile analyses on 20 composite
          Figure 1: Crude protein and crude fat results of the soya bean   same product   crop samples representing different
          crop samples over the last eight seasons.           depends on       production regions, as well as 21
                                                              climate, latitude,   cultivar samples from different localities
                                                              soil type, cultivar,   supplied by the ARC Grain Crops. A
                                                              rainfall as well as   total of 20 different fatty acids were
                                                              seasonal variation.   included in the profile analysis.
                                                              These variations
                                                              should be included   With gratitude to the Oil and Protein
                                                              when ranges        Seeds Development Trust for financial
                                                              for identifying      support of these annual surveys
                                                              authenticity are    and to the members of Agbiz Grain
                                                              determined.           for providing the crop samples.
                                                                 It is imperative   For more information, contact the
                                                              to include ranges   Southern African Grain Laboratory NPC
                                                              in which fatty acids   on 012 807 4019 or visit

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