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          Figure 1: Initial cholesterol values and net cholesterol   and the activation/  While initially the responsibility of
          changes after soy protein based diets in the studies   depression of   these phytoestrogens in cholesterol
          evaluated in the meta-analysis by Anderson et al. and in   liver low-density   reduction was suggested primarily
          later studies.                                    lipoprotein receptors   on the base of studies in monkeys, a
                                                            (LDL-R). Animals on   number of more recent reports have
                                                            cholesterol/cholic acid   definitely concluded that dietary
                                                            dietary regimens with   isoflavones make no contribution to the
                                                            casein have a dramatic   hypocholesterolemic action, including a
                                                            down-regulation of   clinical study performed on pure genistein.
                                                            liver LDL-R and this   A full understanding of the mechanism
                                                            effect is reversed   of action of soya protein has become
                                                            in the presence of   vital for the selection of the most
                                                            soya proteins.     appropriate forms of soya for treating
                                                              Two studies      hypercholesterolemia. This selection can
                                                            have addressed the   only be made once the active component/s
                                                            potential of soya   and their mechanism of action have been
                                                            protein preparations   fully elucidated. Proteomics may be a
                                                            to increase LDL-R   powerful tool to achieve this objective.
                                                            expression in human   The major storage proteins of soya
                                                            beings. In the     beans are 7S and 11S globulins. From
          Boxes indicate the Anderson normogram, i.e. the initial ranges of cholesterol   former FH patients   early studies the 7S globulin appeared
          values and 95% confidence intervals of cholesterol changes for each   were treated with   to be primarily responsible for the
          quartile considered in the Anderson meta-analysis (Reproduced from Future   animal protein   hypocholesterolemic effects of soya
          Lipidology 2007, 2, 313-339 with permission of Future Medicine Ltd).
                                                            or textured soya   protein preparations, whereas the 11S
          today to treat these subjects with   protein (with the addition of cholesterol   component appeared essentially inactive.
          hypolipidemic drugs is compulsory.   to balance the two diets). Both plasma   Very recently a hypocholesterolemic
            Figure 1 compares the cholesterol   lipids and LDL degradation by circulating   protein sub-component has been
          reductions observed in the studies   lymphomonocytes (used as mirror images   pinpointed more precisely, i.e. by
          included in the Anderson meta-analysis    of hepatocytes) were monitored.   showing that the isolated 7S globulin
          (white points) and more recent       After the animal protein diet there   a‘ subunit given to cholesterol-fed rats
          investigations (black points) versus the   were minimal changes in LDL-C levels or   leads to a strong up-regulation of liver
          average baseline cholesterol level of   LDL-R activity, whereas during the soya   LDL-R activity as well as to dramatic
          each study. This chart demonstrates very   protein diet, in addition to a marked LDL-C   plasma cholesterol/TG reductions.
          clearly that both in old and recent studies,   reduction, an increase of around eight-
          the ranges of cholesterol responses   fold in LDL degradation was observed.   Hypotensive activity
          of the groups of patients belonging   This study, clearly suggesting that some   Biologically active peptides or functional
          to the same quartiles of baseline   soya protein components are able to up-  peptides are food derived peptides that
          cholesterol, are essentially identical.   regulate LDL-R mediated LDL degradation,   also exert a physiological effect in the
            It confirms also that about 25% of   was subsequently confirmed in individuals   body. They are inactive in the original
          old studies were based on severely   with lesser cholesterol elevations.  protein but, once released, function as
          hypercholesterolemic individuals, whereas                            regulatory compounds with hormone-like
          in recent years patients with cholesterolemia   Reduced cholesterolemia  activity. They may be released from the
          in the very high range (>335mg/dl) have   Studies on the mechanism whereby soya   parent protein during gastrointestinal
          never been selected for dietary treatment.  proteins may reduce cholesterolemia   digestion or during food processing.
            The efficacy of soya protein in   have clearly indicated that the intact   Active peptides in general contain
          cardiovascular prevention has been   soy protein per se is effective for   from two to 20 amino acid residues
          confirmed by the 20-year follow-up   cholesterol reduction, not a mixture   and are partially or totally resistant to
          of the Nurses Health Study, which   of soy amino acids. The identification   hydrolysis. They may be absorbable and
          indicated a significant correlation   of soya bean components responsible   thus exert systemic effect. Activities may
          between vegetable protein intake   for the hypocholesterolemic effect has   be very different, including angiotensin I
          and reduced cardiovascular risk.  received a significant contribution from   converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition, anti-
                                            the early clinical studies where soya   thrombotic and anti-microbial activities.
          Hypocholesterolemic effects of soya  protein products contained less than
          Rodent and in vitro studies have   0,15mg/g isoflavones versus contents of   Original article published in the
          attempted to establish a link between   2 to 3mg/g very frequently encountered   International Legume Society’s journal,
          the hypocholesterolemic effects of soya   in most commercial soya bean products.   Legume Perspectives, Issue 1, January 2013.

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