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Quality & nutrition

          Table 3: Fatty acid composition (%) of the egg yolk of laying hens fed different sources of oil.
          Fatty acids 1  Control   Fish oil  Olive oil  Grape seed oil  Canola oil  Soya bean oil  Significance  SEM
          C14            0,45 c    0,51 b     0,58 a      0,45 bc     0,39 d      0,43 cd       *         0,016
          C16:0          29,25     29,47      29,32       30,20       27,05       26,74         NS        0,372
          C16:1          4,47 a    4,19 a     3,42 b      3,13 bc     3,16 bc     2,90 c        *         0,131
          C18:0         7,86 bc    6,95 d     7,63 c      8,16 b      7,58 c      8,95 a        *         0,134
          C18:1         45,66 a    45,86 a    47,00 a     37,06 c     46,99 a     41,27 b       *         0,837
          C18:2         10,21 d    8,76 e     9,79 d      18,72 a     12,29 c     17,32 b       *         0,898
          C18:3          0,17 e    0,28 d     0,37 c      0,10 f      0,81 a      0,55 b        *         0,052
          C20:4         1,74 ab    0,59 c     1,52 b      1,97 a      1,74 ab     1,83 a        *         0,099
          EPA            0,00 b    0,18 a     0,00 b      0,00 b      0,00 b      0,00 b        *         0,014
          DHA            0,19 c    3,21 a     0,37 b      0,20 c      0,00 d      0,00 d        *         0,243
          SFA            37,56     36,93      37,53       38,82       35,01       36,13         NS        0,342
          MUFA          50,13 a    50,04 a    50,42 a     40,19 c     50,15 a     44,17 b       *         0,905
          PUFA          12,31 d    13,02 d    12,05 d     20,99 a     14,83 c     19,70 b       *         0,841
          n-3            0,36 e    3,66 a     0,74 c      0,30 e      0,81 b      0,55 d        *         0,246
          n-6           11,95 d    9,35 e     11,31 d     20,69 a     14,03 c     19,15 b       *         0,965
          n-6/n-3       33,52 b    2,55 d     15,33 c     68,61 a     17,45 c     34,94 b       *         4,398

          a-f Different superscripts indicate significant differences (p < 0,05); NS = Not significant; SEM = Standard error of the mean; * = p < 0,01.
          1 EPA = Eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA = Docosahexaenoic acid; SFA = Saturated fatty acid; MUFA = Monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA = Polyunsaturated fatty
          acid; n6/n3 = Ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA.

          Egg yolk fatty acid composition   Discussion                         fish oil. Reportedly, inclusion of fish
          The effects of different feed sources on the   Guclu et al. reported that quails fed a diet   oil in the diet could increase the
          composition of egg yolk FAs is shown in   supplemented with sunflower and olive   proportion of n-3 PUFA relative to
          Table 3. The FA profile of the egg yolk was   oil produced significantly heavier eggs.   n-6 PUFA in the tissues of poultry.
          significantly affected by the treatments   In another study, Kucukersan et al.    There is competition among the
          (except C:16 and SFA). As shown in Table 3,   reported that supplementing four   enzymes involved in the elongation and
          the values of EPA, DHA and total omega-3   different kinds of oil sources (sunflower,   desaturation of omega-3 and omega-6
          FAs were significantly higher (p < 0,01)   fish, soya bean and hazelnut oil) at 3%   FAs. Delta-6 desaturase is the critical
          in the egg yolk of laying hens fed fish oil   concentration had a significant effect   enzyme in these reactions, for which the
          compared to the eggs of other treatments.  on egg production and egg weight.  greatest affinity appears to be conferred
            Fish oil reduced C18:0, C18:2 (14% less than   All these results are in contrast with the   by the greatest number of double bonds
          control group), C20:4 (66% less than control   present study. In addition, it is indicated   in the C18 substrate. Hence, using diets
          group), total omega-6 FAs and the n-6/n-3   that supplementing fish oil and tallow at   rich in omega-3 FAs (e.g. fish oil) reduces
          ratio in egg yolk compared to other groups.   the level of 1,5% to the corn/soya bean   the omega-6 FAs content of egg yolk.
          Egg yolk C18:2 and total omega-6 FAs from   meal diet may affect egg production   In conclusion, the results of the
          birds fed grapeseed oil were significantly   performance and egg weight without   present study demonstrated that
          higher than those of the other five oils.  any adverse effects on body weight.  different oil sources had varying effects
            Furthermore, canola oil            In the present study, SFA content   on the FA composition of egg yolk.
          supplementation enhanced the linolenic   was not significantly different between   This is reflected by the FA composition
          acid content of egg yolk. In this study, the   the treatments, which are in agreement   of the oils added to the diet. Based on
          highest C18:1 concentration was found   with other reports. Hens have the ability   the results, adding 3% fish oil to the
          in the eggs of hens fed olive and canola   to synthesise SFA and if the values   diet of laying hens could increase the
          oil, which were rich in C18:1. Similarly,   of their rations decrease, hens can   DHA and EPA content of egg yolk, with
          the C18:2 concentration of the egg yolk   compensate for the lack of these FAs.  their consequent health benefits.
          was high in the groups fed soya bean and   Some studies have reported that
          grapeseed oil, which are rich in C18:2.   the DHA and EPA concentrations   First published in Veterinary Research
          The highest C18:3 concentration of the   of the egg yolk of birds fed diets   Forum, 2015, Spring 6(2). For enquiries,
          egg yolk was found in the group fed   containing fish oil is a reflection of   send an email to Shaban Rahimi
          canola oil, which is also rich in C18:3.  the DHA and EPA concentration of   at

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