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Quality & nutrition

                                                                                              Photograph by Keith Jones.

            In 2006, the USFDA authorised the   palm oils. Typical Western diets are   high-PUFA vegetable oils, including a
          following qualified health claim for canola   high in SFAs. A high amount of dietary   blend of flaxseed and high-oleic canola
          oil: “Limited and not conclusive scientific   SFA may increase TC and LDL-C levels,   oils (50/50%) or maize, olive, or sunflower
          evidence suggests that eating about 1½   thus increasing the risk of developing   oils. Six studies examined the consumption
          tablespoons (19g) of canola oil daily may   cardiovascular disease. Efforts to substitute   of canola oil versus high-PUFA oils. In
          reduce the risk of coronary heart disease   SFAs have typically relied on replacement   four of these six studies, sunflower oil
          due to the unsaturated fat content in   of animal fat and dairy products with liquid   was chosen as one of the control oils. No
          canola oil. To achieve this possible benefit,   vegetable oils high in MUFAs and PUFAs.   significant differences were observed
          canola oil is to replace a similar amount   Five studies compared canola oil-based   between canola and sunflower oils on the
          of saturated fat and not increase the total   diets with typical Western diets, providing   extent of reduction of  TC concentration
          number of calories you eat in a day.” This   evidence that canola oil is able to reduce   compared to the baseline, resulting in the
          claim was based on the validity of total   TC levels by an average of 12,2%. Diets   conclusion that sunflower oil can improve
          cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein   based on canola oil showed positive   TC concentration as well as canola oil.
          cholesterol (LDL-C) levels as biomarkers   effects on TC levels regardless of the type   Three studies that selected olive oil as
          for coronary heart disease (CHD).  of canola oil used compared to a typical   the control against canola oil resulted in
            More recently, growing numbers of   Western diet. Seven studies compared   TC concentration reductions of 12,2, 14
          studies indicate that biomarkers beyond   canola oil-based diets with those high in   and 11,6% after consumption of canola
          blood lipids are beneficially influenced   SFAs. The high-SFA diets in these studies   oil compared to olive oil. Interestingly,
          by canola oil consumption. The objective   contained > 12% of energy from SFAs and   the reductions in LDL-C achieved with
          of this review was to conduct a literature   > 30% of energy from total fat, mainly in   canola oil were similar when compared
          assessment to examine the health benefits   the form of butter, margarine, mayonnaise,   with maize and sunflower oils or an
          of intact canola oil, rather than focus on   and other high-SFA foods. Five of the seven   oil blend of flaxseed and high-oleic
          the effects of individual components in the   studies examined the effects of margarines   canola oils. However, three studies
          oil. This approach can be considered more   or mayonnaises made with canola oil on   showed a higher reduction of LDL-C
          practical since consumers make choices   TC levels and all showed a lowering of   concentrations with canola oil-based
          among intact cooking oils for consumption.   TC levels, in a range from 3,3% to 21,7%,   diets compared with diets using olive oil.
            Further, this review investigated   compared with a high-SFA-treated group.
          whether newer data is compatible with   A group of subjects were fed diets   In vitro and in vivo studies
          earlier conclusions regarding the health   containing canola oil or a high-SFA   Not all dietary fats undergo equivalent
          benefits of canola oil. The specific aim of this   alternative rather than incorporating   partitioning for energy expenditure, and
          review, based on the most recent literature   the oil into food products; their results   some may exhibit satiety promoting
          available, was to describe the effects of   demonstrated significant lowering of TC   actions. To help individuals maintain
          canola oil consumption on blood lipids,   levels with the canola oil, at 8,3% and 15,5%,   normal body weight and prevent obesity,
          inflammation, insulin sensitivity, LDL-C   respectively, compared with the high-SFA   studies have examined food intake, satiety,
          oxidation, energy metabolism, and cancer   alternative. Results from all seven studies   body weight, body mass index, and body
          compared with other dietary fat sources.  consistently showed that replacing higher   composition following consumption
                                            SFA diets with canola oil decreased TC levels.  of different types of oils. Furthermore,
          Effects on blood lipid profiles                                      dietary fatty acid composition plays an
          SFAs are found in animal fat and dairy   Canola vs other vegetable oils  important role in metabolism and gene
          products as well as certain types of   Five studies compared canola or high-  expression. Some studies have explored
          vegetable oils, including coconut and   oleic canola oil to other high-MUFA or   the possible actions of oleic acid-rich oils,

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