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Against whom

              is a land claim really made?

         By HJ Moolman, Moolman & Pienaar Incorporated

                and claims are part and parcel   The fact, however, is that land claims   amendment to the Constitution to allow
                of South Africa’s land reform   are filed against the state within the   for expropriation without compensation
                programme, authorised by    framework of existing legislation. Because   under certain circumstances, is currently
                Section 25 of the Constitution   the state is the respondent in respect of   such a contentious one.
        L of the Republic of South Africa,   land claims, it must meet or settle the
          1996 (Act 108 of 1996, or the Constitution).   claims, depending on their scope and   Obstacles during negotiations
          The primary purpose of land claims is to   validity. This duty resting on the state, is a   In the case of claims lodged under the
          bring about recovery or compensation for   constitutional and statutory one.  Restitution Act, in addition to acquiring
          persons who, on the one hand, have been                              private land to settle claims, the state
          deprived of land-related rights as a result                          also has the right to offer alternative state
          of race-based legislation and practices.   The fact is that land claims   land and/or cash compensation. There are
          On the other hand, it is aimed at securing   are being filed against the   several court cases in which the courts
          tenure or achieving a balance in the racial                          have clarified the circumstances in which
          composition of people who own land   state within the framework of   the state, rather than acquiring private
          and/or have access to land through a     existing legislation.       land, should settle claims by making
          programme of land redistribution.                                    alternative state land available or by
                                                                               paying a cash compensation.
          Applicable legislation               The state’s fulfilment of the     One of the main reasons why private
          The most important legislation permitting   abovementioned obligation only has   land would not be considered an
          land claims is the Restitution of Land Rights   consequences for private land and private   appropriate method of settlement, is the
          Act, 1994 (Act 22 of 1994, or the Restitution   landowners in such cases where the state   underlying principle that claimants should
          Act) and the Land Reform (Labour Tenants)   must use specific private land to meet its   not benefit more from the settlement of a
          Act, 1996 (Act 3 of 1996, or the Labour   obligation to pay or settle a claim. This also   claim than what they lost when they were
          Tenants Act).                     applies where the limited rights of tenant   deprived of their rights in the past.
            Claims under the Restitution Act must   labourers on private land are converted into   Private landowners need to be extremely
          have been filed with the Commission   full-title rights because the tenant labourers   cautious when conducting any settlement
          on Restitution of Land Rights on or   occupied, cultivated and grazed the land.  negotiations in cases where their land
          before 31 December 1998. Claims under                                may be compromised as a result of the
          the Labour Tenants Act must have been   Compensation vs expropriation  abovementioned circumstances. Currently,
          filed with the Department of Rural   In cases where private land is compromised   several pieces of legislation have an influence
          Development and Land Reform as    during the settlement of land claims,   on the manner in which the state should
          prescribed, on or before 31 March 2001.  the state must acquire the land from the   proceed in dealing with such matters.
                                            existing private owner. The Constitution   In most cases, it will be wise to be
          Against the state or the landowner?  places an obligation on the state to   accompanied by a legal representative at
          A question that often arises during   compensate the owner fairly and equitably.  all times during negotiations with the state.
          discussions about land reform is who is,   The state’s obligation to pay fair and   It should preferably be someone who has
          in fact, the party against whom a land   equitable compensation for private   a good basic knowledge of the relevant
          claim is being lodged? The perception   land causes the state, for the purposes   legislation and the legal environment in
          and probably the first response to this   of settling a claim, to acquire the land   which these claims are handled.
          question, is that it is a claim against the   through a negotiated purchase agreement
          existing owner of the claimed land. In   or, alternatively, a more forced process   For more information, contact
          practice, this is also the experience of many   known as expropriation. This is also why   HJ Moolman on 018 297 8799,
          a landowner.                      the issue surrounding the proposed     018 297 0397 or

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