Page 676 - Facilities Master Plan 2016
P. 676

Lodi Unified School District                                            Lodi Unified School District
          Tokay High School                                                       Tokay High School
          Facilities Master Plan - Total Program Cost                             Facilities Master Plan - Total Program Cost
          Opinion of Probable Cost                                    19-Apr-16   Opinion of Probable Cost                                    19-Apr-16
                            Project Cost Summary (2016$) - Tokay High School                        Project Cost Summary (2016$) - Tokay High School
                                                       Construction Costs   Total Project                                     Construction Costs   Total Project
          Item                      Quantity  Unit  Unit Cost  Subtotal  Total  Cost 25% (x 1.33)  Item     Quantity  Unit  Unit Cost  Subtotal  Total  Cost 25% (x 1.33)
            4d Student Collaboration Lab
            4d.1 New Student Collaboration Lab, 2 - Story                3,830 sf  $             426.60 $         1,634,000  10 Administration & Staff Support  $                       -  $                             -
            4d.2 Sitework & Site Improvements                1,915 sf  $               38.00 $              73,000  10a Expanded, reorganized or relocated administration
                                                                                    10a.2 Modernize Administration                9,510 sf  $             118.00
          05 Maker Spaces & Science Labs                  $           4,826,000 $                 6,419,000  10b Staff Collaboration/Work Rooms
            5b MS / HS Science Labs                          (4) Science  P2        10b.2 Modernize Staff Collaboration/Work Rooms                1,930 sf  $             118.00
            5b.1 New MS/HS  Science Labs Building                 9,576 sf  $             484.92 $         4,644,000  2-story  10b.4 New Staff Collaboration/Work Rooms                2,341 sf  $             423.36  2-story
            5b.2 Sitework & Site Improvements                4,788 sf  $               38.00 $            182,000  10b.5 Sitework & Site Improvements                1,170 sf  $               38.00
          06 Electives                                    $           5,189,000 $                 6,901,000  11 Library & Student Support Services  $                       -  $                             -
            6a MS/HS Electives                                           P2        11b Middle School/High School Library/Innovation Lab
            6a.3 ModernizeMS/HS Electives Building              15,690 sf  $             119.00 $         1,867,000  11b.3 Modernize Library/Innovation Lab                9,985 sf  $             122.00
            6a.4 Reconfigure MS/HS Electives Building              14,015 sf  $             237.00 $         3,322,000  11d Learning Center
            6a.5 New MS/HS Electives Building              13,300 sf  $             446.04  2-story  11d.3 Modernize Learning Center                1,000 sf  $             119.00
            6a.6 New MS/HS Electives Building              10,032 sf  $             413.00  1-story
            6a.7 Sitework & Site Improvements             16,682 sf  $               38.00
                                                                                  12 Safety, Security & Campus Control            $           5,973,500 $                 7,945,000
                                                                                   12b Safety improvements to and/or new parent/bus drop-off areas and parking
          07 Performing Arts Improvements                 $                       -  $                             -  12b.1 New Parking Lot           195,465 sf  $               16.00 $         3,127,000
            7a Music Lab                                                            12b.3 Entry Plaza                     2,400 sf  $               26.00
            8a.2 Modernize Music Lab                5,930 sf  $             135.00  12b.9 Repair existing Access Road             21,000 sf  $                 6.30 $            132,000
            7b Music/Drama/Dance and Support Spaces                                 12b.10 Slurry Coat & Stripe Existing Paving           135,500 sf  $                 2.00 $            271,000
            7b.2 Modernize Drama/Music/Dance                3,980 sf  $             127.00  12b.11 New concrete walkways             10,850 sf  $               15.00 $            163,000
            7c MS/HS MPR/Theatre and Stage                                          12b.12 Repair concrete walkways           133,900 sf  $                 6.00 $            803,000
            7c.2 Modernize MPR/Theatre                5,400 sf  $             130.00  12d Exterior lighting to ensure student safety                        1 ls  $       80,000.00 $              80,000
                                                                                   12e Safety locks at classroom doors                     60 ea  $             449.00 $              27,000
                                                                                   12f Signage for emergency response and wayfinding                        1 ls  $       40,000.00 $              40,000
          08 Multi-Purpose Room / Food Service Improvements & Student Dining  $                       -  $                             -  12g Marquee Sign                        1 ea  $       10,000.00 $              10,000
            8b High School Cafeteria                                               12h Fencing with controlled campus entrances
            8b.2 Modernize High School Cafeteria             11,100 sf  $             151.00  12h.2 Decorative Metal Fencing & Gates                   455 lf  $             252.00 $            115,000
            8c Food service areas                                                   12h.3 Rolling Decorative Metal Gate                        2 ea  $       27,000.00 $              54,000
            8c.2 Modernize Food Service                3,330 sf  $             175.00  12i Fire safety equipment, fire alarms and emergency lighting
            8c.6 New Trash Enclosure                        1 ea  $       45,000.00  12i.1 Fire Alarm System           127,978 sf  $                 5.40 $            345,500 50% of Total
                                                                                    12i.2 Emergency Lighting           127,978 sf  $                 1.40 $              89,500 50% of Total
                                                                                   12j New public address/emergency communication
          09 Physical Education Improvements              $           6,390,000 $                 8,499,000  systems            127,978 sf  $                 7.60 $            486,500 50% of Total
            9a New Gym and Lobby/Concessions                             P1        12k Intrusion alarms              127,978 sf  $                 1.80 $            230,000
            9a.2 Modernize Gymnasium             18,690 sf  $             123.00 $         2,299,000
            9a.4 New Gymnasium                    9,152 sf  $             409.00 $         3,743,000
            9a.5 Sitework & Site Improvements                9,152 sf  $               38.00 $            348,000  13 District Support Facilities  $                       -  $                             -
            9b Changing/Locker Rooms                                               13d M&O / Warehouse / Support Facilities
            9b.3 Reconfigure Changing/Locker Rooms             14,600 sf  $             261.00  13d.2 New M&O / Warehouse / Support                4,000 sf  $             372.00
            9c PE/Fitness Labs                                                      13d.3 Sitework & Site Improvements                4,000 sf  $                 7.00
            9c.3 Reconfigure PE/Fitness Labs                5,170 sf  $             243.00
            9d MS / HS Weight Room
            9d.4 New Weight Room                  3,600 sf  $             404.00  14 Outdoor Learning Environments & Quads        $                       -  $                             -
            9d.5 Sitework & Site Improvements                3,600 sf  $               38.00  14a Main Student Quad
                                                                                    14a.2 New Main Student Quad             41,650 sf  $               14.95
                                                                                   14b Learning Courts
                                                                                    14b.2 New Learning Court             21,200 sf  $               17.25
         Prepared by: LPA, Inc. / Cumming                                        Prepared by: LPA, Inc. / Cumming
         6.3       APPENDIX                                                                                                    Facilities Master Plan  647
                   DETAILED PRIORITIZED COST ESTIMATE                                                                      Lodi Unified School District
   671   672   673   674   675   676   677   678   679   680   681