Page 29 - LSTS 2019 Course Catalog
P. 29
Teachers will get an introduction to the Fred Jones
Fred Jones Tools for Tools for Teaching classroom management Gina
Teaching K-6 techniques E1 Schlageter
Participants will work on lesson development with
regards to year two of the National Geographic
curriculum, collaborating with other grade level
Integrating the National teachers to develop a lesson plan for the first unit of
Geographic Curriculum 6-8 study. SS9 Olivia Gandy
Career Assessments - Administering to students -
Understanding results - Using results for additional
instruction - Naviance College and Career Readiness
Curriculum Lessons - Previewing & Lesson Plans -
Administering to students - Monitoring Student Ren
Completion - Sub-Plans - RoadTrip Nation - Pham-Peck,
Naviance Student 9-12 SuperMatch - Goals B1 Lisa Deeter
Prepare for launch! Through an immersive, interactive
experience, students will discover just how exciting
learning can be. The StarLab planetarium elevates
lessons in astronomy, history, earth sciences,
mythology and more to an entirely new level. Watch
students’ eyes light up with an increased
understanding of the world around them. Upon
SPED completion of this training, you are able to check out Charalee
StarLab Digital K-12 the StarLab Digital Planetarium for 1 week through Cunningham,
Planetarium TK-12 IMC for a $25 fee. Theater Beth Fox
HS P.E. department we will demonstrate several
lessons on gymnastics, yoga, cycling, and
self-defense. Many of the high schools do not teach
the lessons mentioned above which are state
mandated requirements. We would like to share our Kaylee
samples to encourage other high schools in our district Saechao,
to implement these lessons. We would set the Bear Corina
Teaching to the equipment up in our gym and walk through the Creek Torrez, Darcy
Standards 9-12 lessons. Gym Altheide
The district has classroom kits of robots for student
The Robots Are Coming - use. This workshop will go over what is available, how
Sphero, Lego We Do, to integrate them into your classroom and hands on
Vex K-12 time to work with the robots. S6 Teri Dix
Learn to Screencast (Record your computer screen,
your voice, and face all at the same time), so you can
use it for assessment feedback or teach your students
to use it to present material. Upload your students'
Screencasted product to Flipgrid in order to have all
Using Flipgrid and SPED projects in one spot making it available to all students
Screencasting for K-12 to view and comment. Having all assignments on one
Engaging Assessment 2-12 Flipgrid page also makes grading easier. E3 Janee Waters