Page 13 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  57

                                                                          bon (methane, isobutane, butane)
                                                                          with carbon dioxide and nitrogen
                                                                          in distinct percentages. Since no
                                                                          experimental data on the first
                                                                          Townsend ionization coefficient
                                                                          in all mixtures investigated are
                                                                          available in the literature, our re-
                                                                          sults were compared with Mag-
                                                                          boltz simulation with very good
                                                                          accordance within the experi-
                                                                          mental error.
               Figure 16. Industrial Instant Non-Scan-
               ning Tomography system.            Industrial Tomography Systems

                                                  Development of an Industrial Instant Non-Scanning
                                                  Tomography System

                                                  A portable tomography known as instant-non-scanning
                                                   type, a similar version of the fourth generation CT, was
                                                   developed at IPEN, supported by FAPESP. The difference
                                                   of this device compared to the fourth generation CT type
                                                  is that this scanner has five fixed gamma source, rather
               Figure 17. Reconstructed images without water   than a single source in a circular motion, moving contin-
               flow (a); column scheme (b); reconstructed im-
               ages with water flow of 2 liters/min and recon-  uously around the detector ring. The proposed device is
               structed images with water flow of 6 liters/min.  configured with a ring of seventy NaI(Tl) detectors distrib-
                                                                          uted circularly around the object
                                                                          and five tungsten-shielding-case,
                                                                          distanced among them with 14
                                                                          NaI(Tl) detectors. All five shield-
                                                                          ing cases contain, inside them,
                                                                          approximately the same level of
                                                                          radioactivity source. In summary,
                                                                          the seventy detectors were sub-
                                                                          divided in five subsets, contain-
                                                                          ing fourteen detectors positioned
                                                                          diametrically opposite to each ra-
                                                                          dioactive source, in a fan beam
                                                                          configuration, inside an angle of
                                                                          36 degrees. This scanner was de-
                                                                          signed to make it easily install-
                                                                          able in complex refining towers,
                                                                          pipes and in general, adaptable
                                                                          to other components of indus-
                                                                          trial production. The seventy de-
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