Page 14 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 14

58   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               tectors, the five tungsten-shielding-cases and   columns has long been recognized as a poten-
               collimators systems are mounted on two MDF     tial source of maldistribution and it has been
               plates of 20 mm thick and, thus, they are easi-  studied extensively. A third-generation gam-
               ly adaptable to different industrial objects. The   ma transmission tomography system, devel-
               source shielding-cases were built with tung-   oped at IPEN, was used to evaluate the liquid
               sten, instead of lead, in order to make them as   distribution of a Rashig ring random packed
               small as possible. They were designed to con-  column, at two different water flows: 2 and 6
               tain up to two radioactive sources with differ-  liters/min. For each water flow, the measure-
               ent energies and to have a system with step-   ments were carried out at nine column heights.
               per motor controlled by computer, maintaining   The liquid-gas holdup was determined by the
               the operators at a distance from the radioac-  reconstructed images. The distribution of the
               tive sources. In this CT, each of the seventy de-  Rashig rings, as well as the position and the av-
               tectors is connected to a set of multichannel   erage accumulated amount of the water con-
               type electronic acquisition board, developed   centration, among the Rashig rings, could be
               at our Laboratory. The developed tomography    determined, even at a low temporal resolution
               system is capable of generating real-time im-  of the system of 8.8 hours. The regions of ac-
               ages of the interior of industrial process tow-  cumulated water concentration were similar
               ers or tubes, with fast transients, without par-  for the water flow velocities, at 2 and 6 liters/
               alyzing the production. This non-destructive   min. However, the average accumulated wa-
               analysis system contributes to achieve high    ter concentration for 6 liters/min was higher,
               productive and optimized yields in industri-   compared to 2 liters/min. The spatial resolu-
               al processes, as well as contributing to the re-  tion of the tomography system determined by
               duction of environmental impact, inherent to   the modulation transfer function (MTF) anal-
               industry activity. The beneficiaries of the re-  ysis was of 1.45 mm.
               sults of this project are the oil refining indus-
               tries and their derivatives and basic chemi-   Ionizing Radiation
                                                              Application in Food and
               cal industries.
               Gas-Liquid Distribution in the Random  Agricultural Products

               Packed Column using a third-generation
               gamma tomography                               News aspects on food irradiation and analyses
                                                              of natural biocompounds in edible flowers

               Random packed distillation columns are used,
               extensively, in chemical and petrochemical     We highlight our objectives in the studies of
               industries to perform highly efficient process   ionizing radiation in eatable flowers and start
               separation. Liquid flow distribution has been a   with new studies to establish minimum and
               major concern when scaling up random packed    maximum amount of 2-Alkylcyclobutanones
               columns. The liquid distribution in random     (2ACB) to endorse the safe consumption of irra-
               packed columns is not often uniform, even      diated fat food. There is extensive research on
               when the liquid is uniformly introduced into   the most suitable technology for food preser-
               the column. The knowledge on porosity vari-    vation, which does not compromise the qual-
               ation (gas holdup) of random packed columns    ity of its bioactive compounds and toxicity of
               is useful for understanding the fluid dynamics.   irradiated foods. In this way, radiation process-
               The porosity variation in the random packed    ing has been shown to be an effective alterna-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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