Page 16 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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60 Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report
Figure 23.
film used as an
agricultural stove
ingly appreciated in culinary preparations or are compounds formed solely by the irradia-
even “in natura” both in the domestic market tion process and increase linearly according
and abroad. Indeed, the food irradiation must to the radiation dose. Studies of genotoxicity
be carried out in packaged products, leading and cytotoxicity are being done by the group
to minimal changes in fresh and perishable to provide basic information on cell culture
products, allowing them to be preserved for and laboratory animals on this topic which
longer without losing their quality. However, should be deepened knowledge and provide
due to the great diversity and complexity of data to government bodies for safe control of
food composition, further scientific research this process and establish minimal and max-
on the interaction of ionizing radiation with imum safe limits quantities in the food.
food products and components of food matri-
ces is necessary. Additionally, it has some lim-
its to irradiate food, as in any other process
in the food industry. Irradiation is effective in
public health by inactivating harmful micro-
organisms and food borne parasites.
Oxidation results in hydroperoxides decom-
posing into hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones,
alcohol and acids, which interfere with sen-
sory characteristics, as they form unpleasant
flavors and a special flavor that are commonly
known as rancidity, and reduce nutritional val-
ue by degrading fat and fat soluble vitamins.
Oxidative deterioration of lipids leads to the
development of rancidification, undesirable
flavors, polymerization and other reactions re-
sulting in reduced shelf life, nutritional qual-
ity and food safety. The oxidation of fatty ac-
ids gives rise to numerous compounds among
them the formation of 2-ACBs among other
compounds contained in the lipids of irradi-
ated foods. Many studies report that 2-ACBs
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares