Page 18 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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62   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               matrix. Indeed, there is a great technological   ties only when compared to metal on a mac-
               interest in the study of polymeric nanocom-    roscopic scale, and they have been used in the
               posites due to their excellent properties and   medical field because of its remarkable antimi-
               ability to control the characteristics of those   crobial activity. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles
               systems to reach application requirements. In   obtained by the sol gel method were used as
               this work, polystyrene (PS) crystal composite   the coating catheters for subsequent impreg-
               with 3 % of organically modified clay – Choc-  nation of silver nanoparticles with ionizing ra-
               olate – were irradiated with radiation doses of   diation at 25 kGy. A Raman spectrometry was
               300, 450 and 600 kGy in an electron accelera-  used to identify the polymorph of titanium ox-
               tor. The results demonstrated that irradiation   ide, rutile. In trials with (ICP OES), amounts of
               PS with clay presented a reduction in tensile   titanium and silver coated catheters in titani-
               strength compared with pure PS. Furthermore,   um oxide and silver were evaluated. The com-
               the Izod impact strength also had a reduction   parative assessment conducted between the
               in samples of PS with clay compared to pure    catheters before and after irradiation by FTIR,
               PS and TGA analysis indicate a tendency to     Raman and DSC enabled the use of ionizing
               decrease the thermal stability of the material   radiation as an agent of sterilization and im-
               after irradiation. In conclusion, the radiation   pregnating of silver nanoparticles.
               is acting in the clay incorporated in the poly-
               mer and changing their properties.             Mechanical and thermal comparison analyses
                                                              in polyamide 6 compounds with talc mineral
               Effect of ionizing radiation in polyurethane   filler and colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil)
               catheters coatings with silver nanoparticles

                                                              In order to have sustainable development, it is
               The present work aimed to study the use of ion-  very desirable that the possibilities of obtain-
               izing radiation for coating of silver nanopar-  ing ecologically acceptable raw materials that
               ticles on central polyurethane catheters (FIG.   increase dimensional properties and reduce
               1), providing reduction of infections associ-  cost in the industrial sector are explored. In
               ated with contamination of catheters intro-    this sense, the possibility of replacing miner-
               duced into the bloodstream (FIG. 2). Fourier   al talc powder with the colloidal silicon diox-
               transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) enabled   ide (AEROSIL®) as a mineral filler in polyam-
               the identification of functional groups in the   ide 6 (PA 6) compounds was tested. Colloidal
               structure of macromolecules, such as polyether   silicon dioxide is an amorphous substance
               urethane. A study of the thermal behavior of   with low density that satisfies consumer de-
               central venous catheters before and after irra-  mands. In this study, both fillers – talc and col-
               diation was performed in order to character-   loidal silicon dioxide – used with PA 6 were
               ize the polymeric material of these catheters.   explored. Moreover, their density and prop-
               The DSC and TG were employed to observe the    erties in terms of thermogravimetric analy-
               changes material properties before and after   sis (TGA) were evaluated. Additional mechan-
               degradation. The DSC curve at the constant     ical tests such as tensile strength, elongation
               heating and cooling rate allowed the charac-   at break and impact resistance were also car-
               terization of thermal properties, such as Tm   ried out. The tests concluded both compounds
               and Tg of copolymers, as well as highlighting   (PA 6 with colloidal silicon dioxide and PA 6
               the main thermal events. Silver nanoparticles   with talc) demonstrated the same behavior.
               have physical, chemical and biological proper-  The results have demonstrated that colloidal

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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