Page 24 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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68   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

                                                              reactive monomers that remain in the cured
                                                              product, providing no VOC, and the film for-
                                                              mation occurs at room temperature. Howev-
                                                              er, the cured products are insoluble and in-
                                                              fusible, increasing the degree of complexity
                                                              for reprocessing, recycling and / or (bio) deg-
                                                              radation. Thus, this project evaluated coating
                                                              films cured by UV / EB and its mixtures with
                                                              pro-degrading agents, on a polymer substrate
                                                              by means of its thermal, mechanical, rheolog-
                                                              ical and morphological characteristics.

                                                              Reduction of environmental impact
                                                              generated by UV/EB radiation-cured
                                                              print inks coatings on post-consuming
                                                              biodegradable plastic packaging

                                                              The high level of pollution generated by the
                                                              inadequate disposal of polymeric materials
                                                              has motivated the search for environmentally
               Figure 35.Preparation of polymeric coating for   friendly systems and techniques such as the
               EB curing under inert N2 atmosphere.
                                                              application of biodegradable polymers and the
                                                              replacement of the solvent-based paint sys-
               The search for environmentally friend materi-  tems by those with high solids content, based
               als is becoming the major focus of research at   water or cured by UV or EB radiation practi-
               the twenty-first century, considering the high   cally free of volatile organic compounds, VOC.
               level of pollution generated by the inadequate   However, the cured polymer coatings are nei-
               disposal of materials, especially polymers, in   ther soluble nor molten, increasing the com-
               the environment. In addition, environmental    plexity of the reprocessing, recycling and deg-
               legislation already in course in many coun-    radation. Thus, this work aimed to develop
               tries limits the emission of volatile organic   print inks modified with pro-degrading agents,
               compounds (VOC) in the atmosphere, affect-     cured by ultraviolet radiation or electron beam,
               ing mainly the paint manufacturers who are     for printing or decoration in plastic packag-
               seeking for alternatives by replacing the paint   ing products of short lifetime, which are bio-
               solvent for those with high solids. Thus, the   degradable or not. Six coatings (varnish and
               technology of curing polymer coatings by radi-  inks in five colors: yellow, blue, white, black
               ation is based on the interaction of the chem-  and red), three pro-degrading agents (cobalt
               ical system to the ultraviolet (UV) or electron   stearate, cerium stearate and manganese stea-
               beam (EB) incident radiation, forming reac-    rate), five polymeric substrates (Ecobras®, low
               tive species capable of inducing the polym-    density polyethylene and its respective modi-
               erization reactions and cross-linking, result-  fications with pro-degrading agents). The coat-
               ing in formation of the cured product. In this   ings were applied to the substrates and cured
               technology, the solvents used to reduce the vis-  by ultraviolet radiation or electron beam, re-
               cosity of the formulations are replaced with   sulting in 180 samples. These materials were

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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