Page 26 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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70   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               conductivity of the nanocomposites. Ionizing radiation
               (electron beam and gamma radiation) was utilized to syn-
               thesized and combine nickel, copper, palladium and silver
               nanoparticle on graphene-based material. This method-
               ology requires neither toxic reagents nor generates toxic
               wastes. These new nano-composites have several applica-
               tions in the electrochemical field, such as components for
               supercapacitors, solar cells, sensors, electro catalysis and
               lithium batteries.

               Graphene oxide as adsorbent for Cesium ions removal
               from aqueous solution and radioactive liquid waste.

               Graphene Oxide (GO) is a graphene-based nanomateri-
               al that has enticed attention on account of its function-
               alized surface which comprises hydroxyl, epoxy, carbonyl
               and carboxyl groups, and has a robust complexation abil-
               ity with ion metal. GO has shown high sorption compe-
               tence to eliminate cesium ion from aqueous solution. The
               trials were performed in batch and the following param-
               eters were considered: contact time, pH and cesium ion
               concentration in aqueous solution. An equilibrium was
               reached after 60 minutes contact in neutral solution. The
               percentage of removal was around 80%.

                                                                          Figure 39. The image by electron microscopy scan
                                                                          coupled to an energy dispersive spectrometer
                                                                          shows cesium ions on the graphene oxide surface.

               Coconut fibers in raw and treated forms for
               Sr+2 removal from radioactive liquid wastes

               90Sr, a radioactive isotope of strontium, is one of the fission
               products and generally present in the radioactive waste

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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