Page 25 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  69

               Figure 36. Sample composting under natural
               environment at Michigan State University.      radation process, promoting the migration of
                                                              the metal ion to the medium without affecting
                                                              the final quality of the organic compost/soil.

                                                              Synthesis of metal/graphene based
                                                              composites using electron beam
                                                              for electrochemical applications

                                                              Graphene is an allotrope of carbo obtained in
                                                              a monolayer form from graphite. This nano-
                                                              material has exceptional chemical, electrical
                                                              and mechanical properties: a precise surface
                                                              area of 2,630 m2/g per monolayer, excellent
                                                              electrical and thermal conductivities and high
               then exposed to accelerate aging chamber,      mechanical resistance and chemical stability.
                                                              The existence of metallic nano-particles aug-
                                                              ments the surface through which the electric
                                                              current passes, thus increasing the electrical

                                                                             Figure 38a. Micrograph
                                                                             of graphene oxide
                                                                             prepared by the modified
                                                                             Hummers method.

               Figure 37. Plant grow test using organic compost/soil
               after biodegradation process of cured coatings.

               type “QUV”, and composting in natural envi-
                                                              Figure 38b. Image by electron microscopy transmission
               ronment. In order to assess the effects of the   coupled to an energy dispersive spectrometer shows silver
               polymer coatings on the degradation process    nanoparticles (dark spots) incorporated to graphene oxide.
               of the specimens, only the yellow and black
               samples were exposed to a controlled com-
               posting environment via respirometry, reduc-
               ing to 16 the number of samples. The organic
               compound generated by the biodegradation
               process was analyzed by the ecotoxicity tests.
               It was observed that the coating layer acted as
               a barrier that inhibits degradation of the plas-
               tic when exposed to weathering. The addition   Figure 38c. Image by electron microscopy scan coupled
                                                              to an energy dispersive spectrometer shows nickel
               of pro-degrading agents accelerated the deg-   nanoparticles incorporated to graphene oxide.
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