Page 28 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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72 Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report
Preservation of cultural heritage
objects and archived materials
Use of gamma radiation for recovery of papers infected with
fungi: case study about São Luiz do Paraitinga
Figure 41. The flooded city and wet documents.
The objective of this study is determining the optimal condi-
tions for the use of gamma radiation to recover paper docu- Three stages of this work
ments that constitute cultural heritage affected by flood in have been conducted:
the city of São Luiz do Paraitinga in Brazil in 2010. The impor-
tance of this study comes from the unique opportunity to 1. Identification of the
perform destructive tests to documents partially destroyed genera of the fungi present
or biologically contaminated until recovered from the flooded in the selected samples to
city archives. Hundreds of blank pages from seven different establish the appropriated
books were provided by the Public Archive of the State of São radiation dose based on the
Paulo for this research. Most of these books were logbooks or genus most radioresistant
other type of registry notebooks containing blank pages. Pri-
or to being sent to the researchers, these books were stored 2. Comparison of the
in plastic bags for three months after being recovered from mechanical properties of
the flood, without any proper measure to prevent the devel- non-irradiated paper with
opment of microorganisms from the contaminated moist. irradiated, aged and re-
irradiated paper, including
tensile elongation and zero-
span tensile strength, and
3. Verification of the
occurrence of color variation
in mud spots and purple
and black fungi when
subjected to different doses
of gamma radiation.
Figure 42. Papers infected with fungi and culture of fun-
gi in the laboratory for identification.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares