Page 33 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 33

Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  77

                                                                                    Top of column
                      Vapor above top

                         Homogeneous Interface                                      Downcomer inlet
                              on Trays 1, 2 e 3

                       Downcomer Interface

                                                                                    Trays 1,2 e 3
                       Liquid on downcomer

                      Homogeneous Tray
                           liquid height                                            Vapor between plates

                             Homogeneous Bottom’s                                   Vapor above liquid
                                  liquid interface

                      Bottom’s Liquid

                                                                                            Figure 49. Mechanical
                                                                                           and process diagnostics
                                                                                            features observed on a
                                                                                             tomographic image.

               jective of this doctoral research was to propose   great value to the Sealed Sources Production
               the implementation of planning strategic tool,   Laboratory if their managers choose to adopt
               the BSC-Balanced Scorecard through relation-   this management tool. Finally, this proposal
               al performance indicators in order to facilitate   will enable this lab mapping directions in a
               the visualization in the simplest possible way   more effective way using the resources it has.
               for managers based on current and institution-  By doing so, it will bring benefits such as great-
               al strategic plans of the Sealed Sources Pro-  er visibility and more effective action on stra-
               duction Laboratory. The methodology used in    tegic decision making process.
               this academic doctoral study was a case study,
               which considered the survey period from 2008   Development of an irradiation system
               to 2015. The main results expected from this   for production of gaseous radioisotopes
               study can be cited as: a better view of the stra-  applied in industrial processes
               tegic plans, an additional tool in order to sup-
               port management decision making, the ability   Among the various applications of radioiso-
               to change the frequency of analysis and results   topes, the use of radiotracers is considered the
               and targets to be achieved among others. After   most important in diagnosing operation and
               the results that this research has achieved(,) it   troubleshooting of industrial process plants
               can be concluded that this study could be of a   in chemical and petrochemical companies.
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