Page 35 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  79

               nically complex, continuously operating indus-   It’s estimated that 70% of the world’s produc-
               trial plants. Due to this fact, the application of   tion of gemstones have been submitted to en-
               sealed sources becomes more diversified, in-   hancement process and have consequently
               cluding gamma scanning of columns, vessels     increased in commercial value. Thus, the CTR
               and pipes, level and interface detection. Since   performs research of process to induce or in-
               1983, the Radiation Technology Center (CTR)    tensify the color in several gemstones using
               has supplied industrial gamma sealed sources   electron beam and gamma radiation. Enhance-
               to more than 25 customers in Brazil and oth-   ment services of colorless Brazilian quartz and
               er countries in Latin America and Caribbean.   other types of precious stones have been per-
               Annually, the laboratory, (FIG -1) produces 280   formed in the Gamma Multipurpose Irradia-
               sealed sources, with activities ranging from   tor and Electron Beam Accelerator for the com-
               740 GBq (20 Ci) to 4,444 GBq (120 Ci) of Iridi-  panies Murta Gems Trade Gemstones (Minas
               um-192 and from 0.37 GBq (10 mCi) to 18.49     Gerais State), Stoll Precious Stones of Brazil (Rio
               Gbq (500 mCi) of Cobalt-60. The CTR has made   Grande do Sul State), Legep Mining (São Paulo
               290 inspections in irradiators, command ca-    State), Indobrás United (São Paulo State) and
               bles and guide pipes annually and also Seleni-  Geosciences Institute of São Paulo University
               um-75, Tantalum-182 and krypton-79 sources,    (São Paulo State).  The figures 51 and 52 show
               loading services. These supplies allow taking   colored varieties of Brazilian quartz obtained
               more than 100,000 radiographies per year. The   to enhancement processes using gamma ra-
               principal CTR’ customers are Arctest, ASNDT,   diation and heating.
               Brasitest,CBC, JLM, Confab, Nuclep, TopCheck,
               Gamatron, Qualitec, Engisa, Capaz, Endlabor,   Environmental Recovery
               NDT, Sperj, Polyteste, Usiminas, Real WDR, Nu-
               clep, Radiolab,Voigth Hydro, Metaltec, Startec,   Radiation processing of effluents
               Accend and Sertech.                            and toxicity removal

               Use of radioisotopes as tracers
               in the environmental and
               industrial process control

               Radioactive tracers, as bromine 82, and dye
               tracer, as rhodamine WT, are applied to a
               grounded pipe flow rate measurements. Flow
               rate order of magnitude 0.1 m3/s up to 3.5       Figure 51. Colored varieties    Figure 52. Rough and cut
                                                                   of treated quartz.   green  irradiated quartz
               m3/s. Radioactive tracer, iodine 131, applica-
               tions for mean residence time determinations   Radiation processing of real effluents is the
               in tank and digesters of domestic and indus-   main target of this process being studied at
               trial wastewater treatment plants. Volume or-  Environmental Assay Laboratory (LEBA/CTR).
               der of magnitude: 7,000 m3 up to 12,000 m3.    The LEBA Laboratory rare living organisms
                                                              applied for toxicity measurements mainly
               Gemstones enhancement                          for liquid samples of industrial effluents and
               using gamma radiation                          standard pharmaceutical solutions. Combin-
                                                              ing ecotoxicology studies and radiation tech-
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