Page 38 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 38

82   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               Radiation combined with hydrothermal           utes of diluted acid treatment and 24 h of en-
               treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis             zymatic hydrolysis.

               The conversion of hemicelluloses reached 42%   Petroleum and diesel fuel desulfurization
               after thermal treatment by 40 minutes for      enhancement by ionizing radiation
               sugarcane bagasse irradiated with 50 kGy. Af-
               ter the addition of diluted sulfuric acid (0.1%   Hydrodesulphurization, HDS, is currently the
               v/v), almost the totality of hemicellulose is   most common method used by refineries to
               converted in xylose and byproducts, main-      remove sulfur compounds from petroleum
               ly furfural. The enzymatic conversion yield    fractions. However, it is not highly effective
               of cellulose reached 72% in samples irradiat-  for removing thiophenes compounds such
               ed with 50 kGy and 60 min. of thermal treat-   as benzothiophene. Additionally, this process
               ment. When dilute sulfuric acid was added, it   generates high costs for the oil industry. In the
               was observed an increase in the cellulose con-  present work, ionizing radiation was used as
               version, however the time was reduced, and     an advanced oxidation process in order to en-
               the higher value (74%) was reached in 40 min-  hance the removal of sulfur contents from pe-
                                                              troleum and diesel fuel. Samples of crude oil
                                                              and diesel fuel, without any pretreatment,
               Radiation Combined with Thermal
                                                              were irradiated using a Radiation Dynamics
                 TH40           TH60          TH40EH24
                                                              Electron Beam Accelerator in batch systems
                 TH60EH24       TH40EH48      TH60EH48
                                                              at 30 kGy and 50 kGy absorbed doses. The sul-
                  80                                          fur compounds were extracted and then an-
                                                              alyzed by gas chromatography associated to
                Conversion yield (%)  40                      mass spectrometry, GCMS, and by gas chroma-
                                                              tography coupled with flame ionization detec-
                                                              tor, GCFID. Furthermore, the petroleum and
                                                              diesel fuel samples were analyzed by Fourier
                                                              Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR, to de-
                      Untreated  20 kGy   30 kGy    50 kGy    tect chemical changes in sulfur compounds. It
                                                              was observed a high efficiency of ionizing radi-
               Radiation Combined with Dilute Acid
                                                              ation on the degradation of sulfur compounds
                 AH40           AH60          AH40EH24        such as benzothiophene and benzenethiol and

                 AH60EH24       AH40EH48      AH60EH48        the formation of fragments, for instance 1,2-
                  80                                          dimethylbenzene and toluene.
                Conversion yield (%)  60                           Study of the effect of ionizing radiation for

                                                              utilization of spent cracking catalysts.      Cat-
                                                              alyst is a substance that changes the rate of a
                                                              reaction. In the petroleum industry, the com-
                                                              monly catalysts are used for Fluid Catalytic
                      Untreated  20 kGy   30 kGy    50 kGy    Cracking (FCC) and Hidrocatalytic Cracking
                                                              (HCC), which one applied in a specific stage.
               Figure 55. Enzymatic hydrolysis yield of cellulose af-
               ter Electron Beam Processing (EBP) Followed by Ther-  These catalysts are used to facilitate the mo-
               mal (TH) and Acid Treatment (AH).
                                                              lecular chains cracking which will generate a

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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