Page 34 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
P. 34

78   Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report

               The radiotracers are used in analytical proce-  the liquefied radioactive gas was concentrat-
               dures to obtain qualitative and quantitative   ed, and in the storage and transport cylinders
               data systems, in physical and physicochemi-    after 41Ar was transferred, by the portable ra-
               cal studies transfers. In the production of gas-  diation meter Teletector ® Probe 6150 AD-t/H.
               eous radioisotopes used as tracers in industri-
               al process measurements, argon-41 (41Ar) and   Sealed source production for
               krypton-79 (79Kr) have low reactivity with     gammagraphy and industrial
               other chemical elements. 41Ar is a transmit-   process control
               ter range with high-energy (1.29MeV) and a
               high percentage of this energy transforma-     Radioactive sealed sources production for ra-
               tion (99.1%), resulting in relatively small quan-  diography and industrial process control. The
               tities required in relation to the other, for an   gamma writing is an important non-destruc-
               efficient detection, even in large thickness-  tive technique to analyze metallic components
               es components. Nowadays, the production of     from small to large ones that need high perfor-
               gaseous radioisotopes in nuclear research re-  mance and security in operation. The non-exis-
               actors is performed in small quantities (batch-  tence of internal failures is checked by gamma
               es), through quartz ampoules containing nat-   rays radiography, because of its great penetra-
               ural gas 40Ar or 78Kr. In this sense, the aim of   tion characteristics that allow obtaining the
               this study is to develop an irradiation system   photographic record of failures. This non-de-
               for gaseous radioisotope production in contin-  structive analysis is used for quality control of
               uous scale, applied in industrial applications   welded components in chemical, nuclear, and
               of emission tomography and flow measure-       mechanical industries, such as pipelines, tur-
               ment. The irradiation system may produce       bines, reservoirs, and pressure vessels.
               41Ar with activity of 7.4x1011Bq (20Ci) per
               irradiation cycle, through the Reactor IEA-R1   According to the International Atomic Energy
               with 4.5MW and average thermal neutron flux    Agency (IAEA) information, the petrochem-
               of 4.71x1013 ncm-2s-1 to meet an existing de-  ical and chemical process industries are the
               mand in NDT and inspections companies, and     mains users and beneficiaries of the radioiso-
               even needed by the Radiation Technology Cen-   tope technology. Radioisotope techniques are
               tre, at IPEN/CNEN-SP. The irradiation system   very competitive and are largely applied for
               consists of an aluminium irradiation capsule,   troubleshooting and process analysis of tech-
               transfer lines, needle valves, stripy connections,
               quick connectors, manometer, vacuum sys-
               tem, dewar, lead shielding, storage and trans-
               port cylinders, among other components. The
               irradiation system was approved in the leak-
               age and stability tests (bubble test, pressuriza-
               tion, evacuation and with leak detector equip-
               ment SPECTRON 600 T). In the experimental
               production, alanine dosimeters were distrib-
               uted into various components of the irradi-
               ation system, obtaining 1.07x1011Bq (2.9Ci)
               of 41Ar. In addition, exposure rates were de-
               termined in the lead shielding wall, in which   Figure 50. Laboratory Sealed Source Production.

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