Page 31 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report  75

               Museum of the Sao Paulo University – MAC,      Definition of the effective absorbed
               Visual Arts Museum – MAV of the University     radiation dose for disinfection
               of Campinas – UNICAMP, Moreira Salles Insti-   of CH and mean remarks
               tute, Tomie Otake Institute, Lasar Segall Mu-
               seum, Santo Andre Museum, Libraries of the
               Sao Paulo University: Laws School, Commu-
               nications and Arts School, Chemistry School,                                                PHOTO: C.L. DE OLIVEIRA/BMA
               Integrated Library System SIBi-USP, City Co. -
               Planning and Development, etc.

               Acting directions to promotion of disinfec-
               tion of CH by ionizing radiation involve sci-
                                                              Figure 47. Mario de Andrade Public Library disinfection.
               entific research publications (e.g side-effects   Xylophagous insects and fungal colonies in plate culture (yeasts
               studies); positive diffusion by TV and internet   and molds) before and after dry cleaning - after irradiation
               videos, etc. and strong interaction programs
               with restorers and conservation community      Ionizing radiation is widely used to eliminate
               supported by national an international orga-   insects, fungi and bacteria. Desired results de-
               nization (e.g. IAEA). Specifically, two IAEA pro-  pend on the applied dose or the processing
               motional videos were made in collaboration     dose (Gray). The biological effects of gamma
               of the CTR/IPEN:                               rays in living cells are well known and these
                                                              depending on the radiosensitivity, exposition
               Additionally, the 60 years edition of the IAEA   time, total dose, dose rate, etc. However, some
               Bulletin, March 2017 (   of the results published in recent years have
               contains a special issue titled “Culture Meets   been misinterpreted. From the last studies, it
               Nuclear in Brazil” about the impact of the ra-  can be concluded that to eradicate insects in
               diation processing of CH and the activities de-  paper and other cellulosic based materials, rel-
               veloped by the Multipurpose Gamma Radia-       atively low doses are necessary, between 0.5 to
               tion Facility at CTR/IPEN. Since 2013 to the   1.0 kGy. Wooden materials usually need dos-
               present day, the CH preservation by ionizing   es among 2-3 kGy to eliminate the larvae. Le-
               radiation staff of CTR/IPEN have been active-  thal doses to eliminate fungi are significantly
               ly participated of consulting and projects sup-  higher than those used for insects. Doses be-
               ported by IAEA. In 2016, the same team orga-   tween 6.0 to 10 kGy can be effective to disin-
               nized the first training in Latin America related   fect of molds and other fungi in cellulosic based
               to preservation of CH C7-RLA/0/058-001 “Us-    materials. Disinfection by radiation process-
               ing nuclear techniques in support of conser-   ing is a curative process not preventive with-
               vation and preservation of cultural heritage   out quarantine period or radioactive activation
               objects” at CTR/IPEN. In the same way, main-   of the constitutive material of the CH objects,
               taining good irradiation practices is extreme-  many actions should be taken to avoid recon-
               ly important. Radiation processing of cultural   tamination. Decreasing on polymerization de-
               heritage needs to be applied in qualified irra-  gree as a consequence of disinfection of gam-
               diation facilities as well as the preparation of   ma radiation on cellulose based materials is
               pre-irradiation material protocols related to   not reflected on macroscopic properties (e.g.
               packaging, size limitation, etc. and recommen-  mechanical resistance) of those materials. If
               dation to cleaning after irradiation.          applicable, minimization of side-effects of CH
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