Page 7 - TPA Journal November-December 2018
P. 7

From the Desk of the Director

                                                            Erwin Ballarta

               As we move towards the season of giving and the celebration of Christmas and the New year,
               please remember those officers who hold the line and enforce the rule of law.  While many of us
               celebrate in the warmth of a fireplace with our family, there are officers that travel the lonely,
               icy roads patrolling to keep us safe. Many of us who have retired, remember the cold long days,
               filling out accident reports and investigating a fatality.  With Christmas gifts and toys thrown
               everywhere, it contrasts this season of joy with losses.  It’s a punch in the gut witnessing death
               and suffering. At times we cannot get that picture out of our mind.    As officers, we have seen
               both good and bad.

                It should not be a season of domestic violence, DWI, assaults, public intoxication, theft, robbery
               and many more. These officers are the thin blue line that keep our communities safe and put
               their lives on the line. This is also the season to remember those officers that have given their
               lives to keep us safe.   It is the time to cherish, respect and support these officers too.

               As the Texas Police Association moves forward in supporting our officers, I ask that our friends,
               family,  and  community  businesses  to  do  the  same.  It  is  through  training  and  professional
               development,  that  our  communities  will  have  competent  officers.  I  ask  our  members  and
               corporate partners to team up with us to create safe communities.

               Please consider giving the gift of a membership to an officer or agency. Consider hosting training
               at your agency. Consider sharing TPA’s wonderful history to local businesses in your city. Invite
               them to support the officers that keep them safe.

               Many Blessings to you and your family,

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