Page 14 - OM McKinney National Airport Land
P. 14


               Administrative costs, including reasonable charges for the time spent by City of McKinney employees, CCADC employees
               and/or employees associated with any non-profit groups established to assist with implementation within TIRZ No. 2 will be

               eligible for reimbursement as project  costs, upon approval by the TIRZ Board  of Directors and in connection with the
               implementation of TIRZ No. 2 Project Plan and Financing Plan. Other related administrative expenses including legal fees
               and consulting fees, including planning, engineering and design fees, of the City, management expenses, meeting
               expenditures and equipment are included in this category.

               MASTER PLAN UPDATE 2016-17

               The City of McKinney will conduct an Airport Master Plan Update (MPU) during FY 2016 and 17 because it is required to
               maintain an updated Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and property record on file with the Texas Department of Transportation,
               Division of Aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The ALP and property record are significant components
               of a Master Plan because they are created from data that is collected and analyzed during the master planning process.


               The MPU process is not only designed to plan for future airport expansion and development, it is also designed to bring city
               and county staff and elected officials, business community leaders and citizens together to  plan for the future of air

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