Page 16 - v3-HeritageGardens-TA
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Preparing for Tomorrow - What We Are Doing

         Heritage  Gardens   is  a   grass-roots    without having to file formal complaints
         movement to establish an environmentally,   with authorities. Where is the bar set for
         economically, and socially sustainable     cemeteries? We  set  it at  the  level  where
         cemetery.                                  ethics, compassion, and environmental-
                                                    stewardship meet.

         The requirements of each cemetery -        In British Columbia, and most of North
         whether private or municipal owned - are   America,  we  bury  in  perpetuity.  To  be
         reflected in its bylaws. Bylaws are unique   buried in perpetuity, and therefore having
         to each cemetery, as they are written by   a permanent ownership in the earth is
         the cemetery themselves. Legislation       incredible, but understandably impractical.
         governs  the minimum  legal requirement    We are running out of room to bury our
         for place of interment/operator of a place   deceased, and the shortage will not go away
         of interment conduct, by all ‘park rules’   as long as each generation needs their own
         after that are in the cemetery bylaws and   graveyard. A shortage of space equates to
         regulations. Bylaws that  lack compassion   higher costs, as demand dictates the value.
         or flexibility mean that the cemetery may   In turn, our cremation rate is skyrocketing
         not be able - or willing- to meet the needs   - over 85% in 2018, (32,000+ people)
         of client families. Today, more than ever,   adding its own share of environmental
         businesses are held to a higher standard   consequences.  Cemeteries  try  to  recover
         for how they treat customers and the       interment space by digging up roads or
         environment. Before the internet, a family   “building up”, in the form of mausoleums
         taken advantage of in the arrangement      and columbaria. It is time we get away
         office would have no way to know, or to    from short-term fixes and circle back to the
         share their story aside from word of mouth.   real issue - how we approach burial needs
         Today, with Google reviews and social      to change. It is time for cemeteries to be
         media, nefarious practices can be outed,   proactive.

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