Page 17 - v3-HeritageGardens-TA
P. 17
What We Are Doing
What is currently happening in British Columbia?
First, the supply of burial space is being restricted. Despite a growing population, there
have not been any new cemeteries in the Lower Mainland since 1962, that is, until
Heritage Gardens opened in 2018. This means there has not been new land dedicated for
cemetery space in over fifty years. Furthermore, most cemeteries do not allow for land
reuse, with the requirement of a concrete liner. A lack of supply means price increases,
often to the point many families cannot afford a plot. By allowing plots to be used to their
full potential, combining burial and cremated remains, we deliver high value at prices
lower than the market.
As per BC Vital Stats, the Method of Disposition shows that over the last three years in
BC from 2016 - 2018, the cremation rate is about 85%:
With population growth and the aging of Baby Boomers, the death rate in BC is rapidly
increasing. Here is the average number of deaths per year in BC by decade:
Heritage Gardens - Preparing for Tomorrow - Page 17