Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2008-09
P. 2
Indoctrination Week the Most Important event this Fall
Eight New Brothers Welcomed into Kappa Kappa Chapter
By David Hernandez ’11
Everyone remembers the first days back at The class of 1958 returned to the old ceremony concluded with Sam Gore ’58
410 E. John: moving back into the fraternity, stomping grounds at Kappa Kappa for their reciting the Sigma Chi Creed.
seeing brothers again, and getting back into 50th anniversary celebration. A ceremony was The single most important event of this
the swing of classes. Just as past years, the held on Homecoming weekend at the Chapter fall was Indoctrination week of the 2011.50
active brothers at Kappa Kappa have hit the house, and was coordinated by Brother Sam pledge class. We would like to welcome
ground running, and the house is back in full Hill ’58. The ceremony included a short our newly-initiated brothers, Kris Drake,
swing. It has proven to be a great start to the speech from Consul Jake Metzger ’10.50, after Erik Tatje, Nick Price, Mike Riggio, Jeff
year with Derby Days, Homecoming and most which several brothers of the Class of 1958 Couloute, Mike Conway, Zach Smith
importantly the recent I-week. stood up and talked about their experiences and Alex Mallo (who is a 2011). It was a
Our nationwide philanthropy, Derby wonderful experience to put these young
Days, was nothing short of amazing this year. “The single most important event men through a week that means so much
Eleven sororities competed in events such as to all Sigma Chis. The beauty that it was
volleyball, tug-of-war, a hot dog eating contest of this fall was Indoctrination conducted with can be accredited to the
and an obstacle course. The week was capped week of the 2011.50 pledge class. immense amount of work put in by Patrick
off with the Derby Darling Dinner, and the It was a wonderful experience to Etchingham ’10 and Paul Biasco ’10. As
announcement of the winner, Gamma Phi put these young men through a the Ritual Chairmen, they put together an
Beta. Altogether the ladies raised $10,000, week that means so much to all experience that profoundly touched those
and an additional $6,000 was donated by who were present. I can truly say that the
local businesses and alumni. The Derby Days Sigma Chis.” bonds of brotherhood were never held so
Chairmen Louis Salvino ’10, Scott Shapiro close.
’10, Bruce Douglas ’10.50, and Sean Black during pledgeship, as well as their life in the
’11, all deserve a hearty congratulations for a house. A great surprise was the attendance of
job well done. their friendly Magister, Tom Harvey ’55. The
Chapter Continues to Improve Alumni/Active Communications Jacob Metzger
By Jacob Metzger 10.50
Consul, Kappa Kappa Chapter Pro Consul
Jerry Vassalla II
As the newly elected Consul of the Kappa appropriate furniture.
Kappa Chapter I can say that I have never been I’m also delighted to share my excitement Treasurer
more proud to call myself a Sigma Chi. The about our current executive board. Each of Jared Abert
brothers of 410 have conducted a fabulous them has served as an integral part to the
rush, a meaningful I-week and continue to continuing success at Kappa Kappa. By
uphold our rich legacy. One of the most exhibiting strong leadership in the chapter Rush Chairmen
pleasing improvements this semester has been the exec has helped raise grades, increase Tom Moore
communication. We are not only increasing philanthropy involvement and recruit an phil Sherlock
communication among the brothers but with outstanding freshman class. Michael Virgilio
our alumni. Louis Salvino
Any problems that have faced the house Michael Kniery
have been dealt with swiftly and effectively “The brothers of 410 have conducted
due to a joint effort between alumni and the House Manager
brothers. A perfect example is the brand new a fabulous rush, a meaningful I-week Matthew parenti
living room furniture on the first floor of the and continue to uphold our rich
chapter house. The actives invested hours legacy.” Alumni Relations Chair
of work researching and collaborating with Samuel phelps
House Corp. in order to select and purchase
2 December 2008