Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2008-09
P. 3

In MeMoRy

                                       Bob Bishoff ’48 passes Unexpectedly

          Brother Bob Bishoff ’48 died on August   after joining the fraternity, the war called   industry, Bob served as the National
          23, 2008. He was 83 years old.      Bob and many of the Kappa Kappa    President of the Society of Chartered
             Bishoff was a generous supporter of   brothers. Bob saw significant duty on a   Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU).
          the many house rehab projects at 410   mine sweeper and attack cargo ship in the   He also chaired the Western Insurance
          E. John since his graduation. During his   South Pacific. In 1946 he returned to the   Information Service for the Western United
          undergraduate career, he served as Magister   chapter house and became an important   States and founded the Rocky Mountain
          and Pro Consul. As mentioned in the   part of a tight-knit fraternity. Bob was   Insurance Council based in Denver. He
          December 2004 issue of The Illinois Sig, one   Chief Illiniwek during the 1947 school   chaired the United Way and other charities
          of the biggest thrills of his life was during   year. He graduated the following year with   in Bloomington, was the President of the
          his junior year. That year Bob was Chief   a journalism and advertising degree. After   Greely Area Chamber of Commerce, and
          Illiniwek and performed at Yankee Stadium   a short time at Montgomery Ward writing   served as a board member of University
          in front of a full house during a game   catalogue copy, he moved to Bloomington   of Northern Colorado Foundation, North
          between the Illini and the Cadets of West   and a job at State Farm. His career at State   Colorado Medical Center and the Colorado
          Point.                              Farm spanned 39 years and ended as the   State Banking Board.
             Bob followed his older brother Paul   assistant to the CEO.
          Bishoff ’46 into the brotherhood. Shortly      Nationally prominent in the insurance

                                                   AnnUAL FUnD

                                            2008-09 Honor Roll of Donors

           Thank you to the following alumni for contributing $7,548 to kick off the 2008-09 giving year, which
           began September 1. Add your name to the list by making a donation to the annual fund. You can do
                               so by calling 800-975-6699 or online at

          410 Club ($410+)                   James W. McKinzie MD   1952          Richard F. Hanson Jr.    1987
          George J. Burrows     1954         James C. Schmidt      1952           Douglas O. Ackerman    1990
          Dennis D. Swanson     1961         Charles L. Sheppard    1953
          James E. Lynch        1978         Lee H. Stark          1953           Chapter Guardian ($50-$99.99)
          David P. Blanke       1981         John A. Bruggen       1954           James C. Nelson      1948
                                             James D. McLaughlin    1954          Samuel E. Hill       1958
          Chapter Sponsor ($250-$409.99)     Richard G. Wright     1955           Edward G. Schoeneberger Jr.
          Edward N. Koenig      1942         Richard E. Griffiths    1957                              1970
          Benjamin C. Fisher    1948         Howard D. McCracken    1957          Karl S. Pnazek       1971
          B. Crane Decamp       1953         Hiles B. Stout        1957           Doug J. Knapp        1980
          Richard G. Cline      1957         Richard L. McElhiney    1958         William J. McDonnell    1982
          John J. Ruth          1959         Derald E. Brackmann MD  1959         Douglas Michael Sasso   1983
          William W. Stitt      1983         Edward C. Cleveland    1959          Donald S. Williams    1988
                                             Richard G. Fletemeyer    1959        James R. Escobar     1995
          Chapter patron ($100-$249.99)      Keith Miller          1960           Matthew C. Johnson    2001
          David A. Horner       1943         John H. Harrison      1963
          Boyd C. Paulson       1945         L. Milton McClure Jr.    1963        other (up tp $49.99)
          Wayne Maddux          1946         Robert E. Goulding    1965           Daniel J. Lucado     1972
          William N. Herleman    1948        Louis E. Vogt         1971           Thomas A. Sandberg    1978
          Herbert J. Rowe       1948         Robert C. Dugan MD    1974
          George E. Mullins     1949         Bradley K. Vaughn MD    1975
          Alan Macdonald Jr.    1950         Arthur D. Gottlieb    1977
          Daniel E. Stark       1950         Matthew T. Keeley     1979
          Philip H. Stoddard    1950         David E. Ogdon        1980           Reflects gifts received as of November 15.

          The Illinois Sig                                                           3
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