Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2008-09
P. 4


                                           “I’m Honored to be a Sigma Chi”
                  From Building Relationships with Key Career Decision Makers to Meeting His Wife of 49 Years,
                                Sam Gore ’58 Thanks our Fraternity for the Best Times of His Life

           In a seventh grade classroom, a teacher   the four were better than you at something,     “Literally every major business decision
           asks how her students are doing and they   and that’s why it appealed to me. They   that was made in my life, there were at
           all reply loudly, “good!” One boy raises his   were all outstanding guys that made me   least one or two Sigma Chis involved in
           hand and says surprisingly, “actually I’m   want to be better.”       some way,” he said.
           doing well.” The teacher nearly faints at      While completing his undergraduate      Sam says the network of Sigma Chi’s
           the grammatically correct 13-year-old and   work, he studied Comparative Literature   was always pulling for him, and played
           asks who told him to say that. He replies   and with a 3.85 grade point average,   a large role in his current success and
           proudly, “My Granddad makes me.”   earned the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship to   nomination for a directorship. “I used
              Teaching his grandchildren to speak   continue his education in graduate school.  my major, and what I learned in college,
           proper English is among the many   Sam remembers his time fondly with   every single day of my life during my
           avocations of Sam Gore ’58. As a retired   some of his closest brothers. The Greek   professional career. Most people don’t!”
           member on the Board of Directors for   community was an enormous part of
           Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Sam   campus life at the University then as it is
           has traveled to every major university in   now; and Sam says the Sigma Chi house
           the country; however, his loyalty lies with   could sleep over 100 brothers. His most
           the University of Illinois. Sam says that   prominent memories range from one
           being a part of Sigma Chi at the University   adventurous night at a water polo match
           of Illinois has aided him immeasurably   where he was dared (actually, a pitcher of
           through life.                      beer at Bidwell’s was on the line) to jump
                                              from the 35-foot foot balcony into the
             “Sigs, by nature, just want to   pool wearing a wool overcoat and earmuffs
                  help each other.”           (the outside temp was a mere -3), to
                                              choreographing the Greek homecoming
                                              musical alongside Kappa Kappa Gamma
              “Oddly, Sigma Chi was instrumental   and his future wife, Ruth.
           in literally all of my professional      “She was the choreographer for the   Ruth and Sam Gore ’58 of Atlanta
           advancements,” he said. “It was just   Kappas and I was the choreographer (ha!)   enjoying the Class of 1958 reunion at
           amazing how it was oftentimes unspoken,   for the Sigma Chis and naturally, there was   Homecoming 2008.
           and quite by accident, that I would   an immediate dislike with our different
           discover that Sigma Chi connection. Sigs,   ideas of how the dance should be crafted,”      In his 54 years as a Sig, Sam notices
           by nature, just want to help each other.”  he said. “Then we started working together   quite a number of differences when he
           Sam began his undergraduate work at   and now, 49 years later, it appears that the   returns for a visit to the Sigma Chis house.
           Wabash College, one of the two remaining   relationship has traction.”      “Social mannerisms have changed
           all-male colleges in the country. He was      Sam still gets the opportunity to share   through the years,” he said. “My advice
           initiated into Sigma Chi at the small liberal   memories with his brothers of the past. He   would be that the younger brothers take
           arts school while maintaining a tennis   sometimes travels from his current home   the time to listen to a story or two when
           scholarship.                       in Atlanta, GA to meet up with friend Joe   an alumnus comes through the house.
              “There wasn’t much to do in 1954   Huyler ’61 to travel together to Illinois.   You might be amazed at what you learn
           other than study maniacally and memorize   Joe was a fearless three-meter diver on the   and would be able to use in your business
           the Norman Shield. Pledging was an   UI swim team.                    career.”
           arduous process in more ways than one. We     “We just had our 50th reunion and it      Along with his words of wisdom, Sam
           worked so hard to memorize everything in   was great to see Sam Hill ’58, and all the   chooses to support the fraternity personally
           the pledge manual, that most of us scored a   guys I truly care for in a special way,” said   as well as financially in the hopes that
           perfect 100. Studying all of the fraternity’s   Sam. “I’ve been with them through good   others will be able to experience the
           history made us understand what Sigma   and ill and have had the opportunity to   synergy of the brightest and most talented
           Chi was all about.”                support them during the three big D’s:   young men together in one great fraternity.
              Sam says the root of his decision to   divorces, deaths and depression.”     “I’m honored to be a Sigma Chi.
           become a member of Sigma Chi came from     The Sigma Chis stick together now as   Through life, my brothers remind me often
           their impressive membership.       they did in the past and Sam is grateful   that my ambitions seem far beyond my
              “If you take a group of any four Sigma   for the impact they have had on not only   talents and light-years beyond my changing
           Chis at any one time, at least one was   his personal life, but his professional life as   character,” he said.
           smarter, one was more athletic. Two out of   well.

        4                                                                 December 2008
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