Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Winter 2008-09
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292-085 SC-ILL JK
                                                 HoMeCoMInG 2008

              Thanks to everyone who was able to return for Homecoming! Although the Illini lost to the Golden Gophers, we had a great time
              visiting with fellow alumni and meeting old friends at the house. The Class of 1958, led by Sam Hill ’58, held its 50th reunion and
              had an exceptional turnout! Congratulations to Sig Tim Romani ’84 who was recognized by the chapter on Saturday afternoon for
              receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of Applied Health Sciences. His father Mel ’62 and brother Chris '05
              joined in on the celebration. Consul Jake Metzger ’10.50 made a first-class presentation to the alumni and guests on hand outlining
              their fundraising success raising over $15,000 for the Children's Miracle Network through Sigma Chi Derby Days and highlighting
                        their consistently improving academic achievement and fall recruitment efforts, pledging over 30 men.

                Wayne VanderHeide '07 (left) gives                              Gene Carr '59 (left) and Dan Djarksen
                Patrick Gale '10 and Alex Mallo '11                             '59 share a funny memory at the Class
                      some serious advice.                                              of 1958 reunion.
                                                 Wayne '58 and Carol Lockwood of
                                                 Winnetka saying, "I remember this
                                                 place” at the Class of 1958 reunion.                          292-085 JK  Address Service Requested  Albert Lea, MN 56007-8007  P.O. Box 7007  Alumni Relations Processing Center  UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS  OF SIgMA CHI  KAppA KAppA CORpORATION

                                                                 from Alumni Brothers...All Inside!
                                                                    the Active Chapter and lots of Updates
                                                                    Scenes from Homecoming, News from

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