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A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Winter 2012-13 | Gamma Xi Chapter

Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |

From the Alumni Betas on Top of the World

Association President by Fred Wallrapp ’79
aybreak, September experience. The Kilimanjaro
appy New Year from Gamma D29th, 2012, Steve Vogel, fundraiser was Steve’s way of
HXi! We’ve made it through Gamma Xi ’75, stepped onto giving back and many Betas
another fall Semester here in the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, who went through with him
Gainesville and, just as last year, the tallest mountain in Africa, in the early ’70s have stepped
the chapter once again fnds itself 19,340 feet above sea level. up to support the cause. “It’s
as one of the leading chapters on When asked during our recent one of the beauties of being
campus. With 37 newly initiated conversation why he climbed a Beta. You really do make
Betas, our chapter of 175 is the it, the writer in Steve could friends for life, even if you
largest at UF and once again is excelling in many have easily said “because it only see some guys at Gator
areas of campus life. was there,” but his modesty compelled football games,” said Steve, whose
Much to our chagrin, one thing that has changed him to answer “for a little adventure.” son, Nick Vogel, a Gamma Xi active,
since the fall is our address. In order to comply Steve used to run marathons for is a junior engineering major living
with the City of Gainesville’s Emergency/911 adventure, having run marquee events in the Beta house. “Thanks to all my
notifcation system, the University has had to change in Chicago, Boston, and New York. old Beta brothers who pitched in with
the addresses for all the houses on Fraternity Row. A pinched nerve in his back caused donations.”
Effective immediately, our new address is 2315 him to stop running long-distance fve Steve’s Kilimanjaro team included
Fraternity Drive, Gainesville, FL 32603. years ago. Goodbye marathons, hello two other Beta’s, an uncle from Bowling
Our Alumni Association held another successful Kilimanjaro! Green (’62) and a cousin-in-law from
fall Reunion Band Party the weekend of the LSU He also made the climb to raise Kent College (’80). None of the group
football game and we’ll be continuing the tradition funds for prostate cancer research. Steve were mountaineers or even serious
next year during Tennessee weekend, September was diagnosed with prostate cancer in campers. “I hadn’t slept outdoors
20-21st. Also, in addition to Alumni BBQs before 2008. After s u c c e s s f u l since a Beta Woodser,” quipped Steve.
every game, we hosted a pre Growl reception r a d i a t i o n t h e r a p y But for eight days they lived in tents
Homecoming weekend and saw a lot of new (as well he wrote a book on the mountain, in below-freezing
as familiar) faces come by the house, many seeing titled, The Prostate temperatures at night, sterilizing their
the newly renovated chapter house for the frst time. Storm, about his See WORLD, continued on page 4
If you haven’t been by this winter, you’ve got to
come and see what everyone is talking about.
Yours in _____kai_____

Brad Fortune ’92

Save the Date!

Saturday, April 6th
9:00 Alumni Board Meetings
10:30 Alumni Reception prior to Orange and Blue Game

Friday, September 20th
Alumni Band Party

in This Issue . . .

Alumni Association Info ...1 Chapter Spotlight:
Betas On Top of the Justin Larson ..............3
World .........................1 From the Archives .............4
From the Chapter ..............2 Alumni News ....................5
Beta Philanthropy ..............2 Alumni Band Party ...........6 On top of The Great Barranco Wall at 14,000 feet. Behind Steve is the Kilimanjaro summit,
still days away and with a vertical mile left to climb.
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