Page 4 - Marching Along Winter 2012-13
P. 4
From the Archives

Help Ensure

Our Future!
Leave A Legacy!

Consider a lasting gift that will support
Beta Theta Pi long after you are gone. By
including the house corporation in your
estate plans you ensure the long-term health
and success of our fraternity. Here’s what
you and/or your advisor might need to know:
Most common ways to include the house
corporation are through your will or life
Sample language: I leave the sum of
($xxxxxx.xx or xx% of my estate) to:
Gamma Xi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi
Housing Corporation tax id # (Contact
Brad Fortune for house corporations tax id
Top: Story from the Gainesville Sun from December 13, 1930 announcing the establishment of Beta number) c/o the Beta Theta Pi PO Box 6277
Theta Pi at the university of Florida. Upper Right: Seth R. Brooks, St. Lawrence ’22, past Beta Theta Pi / 5134 Bonham Road, Oxford, OH 45056.
Administrative Secretary, during a chapter visit circa 1955. Middle Right: Betas playing volleyball 1957. **This information is not presented as legal
Bottom: Charter group establishing Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida in 1930. or tax advice. Always consult your advisors
for questions you may have. ***
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