Page 6 - Marching Along Winter 2012-13
P. 6
Alumni Band Party

n the weekend of October 5, 2012, the Gamma Xi Chapter Swamp and we offer special ticket options for all of our alumni to
Oopened our doors once again for our Annual Alumni Band Party. sit together to watch the Gators. We are excited every year to show
Every football season we host a band party at our newly renovated our brothers before us how far we have come as a chapter and look
house on campus to bring alumni of all ages back to Gainesville. The forward to future alumni events.
band party is always on a Friday night before a football game at The

JUSTIN, continued from page 2

chapter, I wanted to fnd an organization that
was effectively able to mobilize eager UF
undergraduates to help the local community.
My involvement with HEROES started off
by designing their website ( This allowed the up and coming
organization to broaden its base on campus.
HEROES stands for Health Education
through Research, Outreach, Empowerment,
and Service. I was elected President last
semester and my goal is to expand the
organization. Local outreach events include
our annual Community Health Summit,
working out with teens from the local Sidney
Lanier High School, and teaching classes at
the local resource center. We aim to reduce
public health disparities in our community.
I have always been inspired by the feld
of medicine. My mother was a radiographer
so I grew up immersed in the feld. I was
taught the importance of talented, caring
health care professionals, and the difference
that they can make in the lives of their
patients. That interest carried over into
my undergraduate career and all of the
experiences I have had here at the University Ski trip last spring break with pledge brothers and friends. Back row (from l to r): Andrew Pisacano,
of Florida. Everything from my pre-medical Jeff Schirtzer, Justin Larson, and Hunter Carter. Front Row (from l to r): Matt Harry, Richard Guyer,
education to my volunteer experiences has Evan Obayashi, Billy Kane, Vanessa Arellano, Kyle Andre, and John Collins.
furthered my interest and assured me that I
have chosen the right feld. and my classmates. I have a defnite interest being in, on, or around the water. A few of
After graduation, I will attend medical in public health, as well as emergency my favorites are offshore sail fshing, wake
school next fall at the University of Florida, medicine. I am extremely excited to see boarding, or just relaxing at the beach. I was
class of 2017. I am hoping to take my various other disciplines within the feld of extremely lucky to grow up in and island
community outreach efforts to the next level, medicine and see what the right ft for me is. paradise, so anytime I am able to come back
with help from the UF College of Medicine, Back home on Marathon Key, I enjoy simply and visit is just like a vacation.

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