Page 2 - Marching Along Winter 2012-13
P. 2
Chapter News

From the Chapter President
Congrats to our
he Gamma Xi Speakers Bureau, Student Government
Tchapter of Beta Productions, HEROES, ROTC, and many newly elected
Theta Pi has wrapped others. 2013 officers!
up another great Additionally, our chapter is dedicated
semester. The members to service and philanthropy. This semester, President - Trent Talbot
of our chapter have we participated in three service projects, two Executive VP - Gilbert Murimwa
reinvigorated their on our own and one joint project with Delta Administrative VP - Eric Bielefeldt
commitment to all Gamma. We participated in over six sorority Treasurer - Anthony Clarke
facets of Greek life sponsored philanthropy events. We won frst Social Chair - Zach Greenstein
at the University of Florida. Our chapter place in Delta Delta Delta Triple Play, Alpha Pledge Trainer - Charles Putzel
GPA remains above the all-fraternity, all- Delta Pi King of the Court, and placed in the Risk Manager - Parker Neu
men’s, and all-campus average. In fact, top three for two others. Internal Philanthropy Chair - EJ Peters
Brother Richard Guyer is the Director of We look forward to hosting our Ext Philanthropy Chair - Alex Sugarman
Scholarship for the Interfraternity Council philanthropy events. Last year Beta Bring It Intramural Chair - Kyle Shepard
and has worked to encourage the same On raised over $35,000 for the Alzheimer’s House Manager - Joe Frieler
commitment to education in other fraternity Association and Thomas Oliver Brown Alumni Secretary - Jordan Rutner
chapters at the university. The chapter is Foundation. We are working hard to raise Secretary - Nick Cullen
also in contention for our third consecutive over $40,000 this year. It is the beginning of Scholarship Chair - Kevin Pacholec
President’s Cup, the award given to the a new era for our chapter as Trent Talbot, Service Chair - Myles Woods
fraternity intramural champion. We are our newly elected president, takes the helm.
currently tied for frst place. He is committed to taking even greater
On campus, Beta remains one of the strides towards excellence, refusing to be
most involved houses at the university. complacent. Great things are ahead for Trent
Brothers Jon Brotman and Max Anderson and the Gamma Xi Chapter.
were tapped into Blue Key Honor Society
this fall semester. All of our brothers are Yours in _____kai_____
involved in at least one outside organization
at the university including Florida Blue Ethan McMahon, President
Key, Student Senate, Student Government Spring 2011 - Fall 2012
Cabinet, Cicerones, Gator Growl, ACCENT

Beta Philanthropy Beta’s Dance Marathon Team (photo left), all
stood for 26.2 hours to raise money for the
Children’s Miracle Network. From left to
right, the brothers are:
Jordan Rutner, Austin Sutherland, Sergio
Lozano, Jackson Long, Keith Shopa, Hunter
Carter, John Guiliano, Joseph Lopez, Ryan
Alman, Nick Vogel, Patrick Fallace, Robert
Kraus, Jameson Carter, Justin Larson, and
Casey Runte.

Below: Brothers with girls in the Delta
Gamma sorority, happily participating at their
annual philanthropy, Anchor Splash.
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