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Our MIssion
Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships, reaffirm high ethical standards and values, and foster personal
development in the pursuit of excellence. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to providing opportunities for each brother to
develop responsibility, leadership, scholarship, and social skills in order to become a fully contributing member of society.
Providing the Same Opportunities for Future Generations
Kappa Nu was a central component of our Cornell ex-
periences and helped make each of us who we are today.
Phi Gamma Delta provided generations of Cornell stu-
dents with the supportive environment, learning experi-
ences outside of the classroom, leadership opportunities,
and friendships that have proved so critical and central
to the brothers’ lives both during and—just as signifi-
cantly—after graduation.
Today, the opportunity to provide the same value and
experience to Cornell students is as relevant and nec-
essary as it has been since 1888, when the Kappa Nu
Chapter was founded. With alumni support, we can
continue to provide future generations of Cornell stu-
dents the same incredibly valuable Phi Gam experience
we all shared.
From our founding in 1888, the Kappa Nu Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity has been an important
part of the Cornell University community. The unique
combination of an Ivy League education and the living
experience of FIJI has provided each of us with a strong
foundation for life’s personal and professional opportu-
nities and challenges.
Phi Gam is leading the way in developing a fraternity
Alumni return to the oaks for cornell reunion (2013) model combining living and learning, and embracing a
(timely) new undergraduate purpose, future, and values
statement. Oaks 21 puts Phi Gam leaps and bounds ahead of our competition and in alignment with the university’s
residential program, but also demonstrates a sound long-term investment in Phi Gam’s future.
Future of The Oaks
The Oaks 21 building program began as a means of staying competitive with Cornell’s new dormitory construction
and was aimed at creating a living and learning experience parallel with Cornell’s Residential Initiative but tailored to
a fraternity environment.
As the Oaks 21 program evolved, it has further developed into a phased renovation and restoration plan, celebrating
the historic original house and its incomparably scenic location, as well as overcoming the cumulative effects of build-
ing additions in the 1920s and 1960s and the years of wear and tear on a sturdy but aging structure.