Page 6 - Fiji Cornell
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Making a Difference for Future Generations:
Leadership and Legacy

Oaks 21 Leadership and Legacy Program

Our FIJI legacy, the Kappa Nu brother “chain” that preceded and succeeded our years at Cornell, is real, transforma-
tive, and valued. Unfortunately, our legacy has not been well understood, shared, or experienced by our undergradu-
ates. With the increasing emphasis on enriching the Cornell residential experience by the university, FIJI has begun to
formally establish and sustain a differentiating environment based on the brotherhood’s history, unique contributions,
and leadership during and after our Cornell years. The current undergraduates have demonstrated campus-wide lead-
ership and have formalized incoming brother training to emphasize the core values of Phi Gamma Delta. But assuring,
expanding, and sustaining the chapter’s differentiating value proposition as a learning and unique living experience
will require dedicated efforts and resources.

The endowed Leadership and Legacy Program is core to the Oaks 21 campaign and is key to revitalizing The Oaks.
The endowment and the activities that the program supports will ensure that the defining and sustaining qualities that
characterized our years at The Oaks will serve as the foundation for future generations of Kappa Nu FIJIs to achieve
and lead during and after their years on the hill.

The Oaks 21 Leadership and Legacy Endowment supports major, mutually reinforcing initiatives:

     •	 The continued recruitment of a diverse, principled, and accomplished brotherhood that represent the very
         “best” of Cornell: brothers who are drawn to The Oaks as the leadership fraternity because of its programs,
         members, experience, and alumni.

     •	 The updating, maintenance, and dissemination of Kappa Nu history and archives, including notable alumni
         from our 100-year history.

     •	 Sustained and meaningful one-on-one alumni-undergraduate mentoring and networking relationships.

     •	 Undergraduate brotherhood four-year leadership training and development, in partnership with
         Ken Blanchard ’61 and other Kappa Nu alumni.

     •	 Annual Oaks 21 Leadership Lecture delivered by a Kappa Nu alumnus in Ithaca to undergraduate brothers
         and invited guests.

     •	 High-quality training in and execution of FIJI events with alumni and the broader Cornell community, empha-
         sizing the “customs and courtesies” that FIJIs exhibit and expect of one another.

The endowment and its activities will be governed and monitored by the officers of the Cornell Association of Phi
Gamma Delta in coordination with the Leadership and Legacy Program Committee and will be executed by a funded
program manager and undergraduate chapter officers.
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