Page 3 - Fiji Cornell
P. 3
Conceptual Facility Plans / Renovation Plans
Completed Work
• The east-wing bathrooms are rebuilt to standards of design and durability equivalent to Cornell’s new student
housing (now well under construction). Cost: $330,000.
• Cosmetic upgrades to public spaces included wood-floor refinishing, painting, and new furnishings. The
second-floor west-wing bathroom was renovated, and the upper floors and halls were painted and carpeted.
Cost: $284,000.
• The E.B. White Room is fully furnished and in- Snapshot: Progress to Date
cludes photos of E.B. White and a new plaque
listing all chapter presidents and treasurers. 2000: The New Oaks
This handsome new space was formerly known 2004: New East-Wing Bathrooms
as the “Goops room.” Cost: $85,000. 2007: Phased Renovation (25 Projects)
• Boiler replacement and grease trap work.
Cost: $37,000.
• Replacement of the roof, including new insula- 2011: Oaks 21: Leadership & Legacy
tion and structural repairs to a portion of the 2012: Public Space Upgrades
west wall. Cost $560,000. 2013: The E.B. White Leadership Room
2014: New Roof/New Roof Insulation
• Exterior of house repainted and the installation
of RedRover internet access.
• The cost to complete the house improve- 2015: New Paint/RedRover Internet Access
ments listed above totals almost $1 million
Planning continues for Oaks 21. Due to prudent financial management by the alumni association and the un-
dergraduate chapter, and the generosity of alumni members, we have been able to undertake critical projects,
large and small, that have required immediate attention.
E.B. White Room E.B. White Room