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Oaks 21: The Next Phase (2016–2017)

The purpose of Oaks 21: The Next Phase is to complete the central and most important facility components of Oaks
21 and to provide at least partial financing for the ongoing maintenance fund and the Leadership and Legacy Program
fund. Many other Oaks 21 projects remain, but they can be handled as separate, individual projects as resources be-
come available.

1.	 New west-wing bathrooms, new main stair,         Oaks 21: The Next Phase
    commons/entry improvements
    (Budget: $1,350,000)                               •	New West-Wing Bathrooms, New Stair,
                                                         Commons/Entry Improvement
    This project is the centerpiece of Oaks 21.
        a.	 New west-wing bathrooms in durable,        •	Exterior Window Replacement
            waterproof construction.                   •	West-Wing Heating System Upgrade
        b.	 New, light-filled, code-compliant main     •	Establish House Maintenance Fund
            stair, revitalized commons/entry.          •	Establish Leadership and Legacy Fund
        c.	 Two new bedrooms in old bathrooms.
        d.	 New study and computer room.
        e.	 New wood floors in first-floor commons,
            hall, living room.

2.	 Exterior window replacement                      •	Budget:  $2.5 Million

(Budget: $285,000)

Along with the new roof, this completes the most

important components of “sealing” the house.

a.	 New energy-efficient, double-glazed, vinyl-coated wood replacement windows to reduce future mainte-

nance and energy costs.

3.	 West-wing heating-system upgrade (Budget: $400,000)
    This upgrade will replace the oldest, most inefficient heating system in the house.
        a.	 Conversion from steam to hot-water heat.
        b.	 New hot-water distribution piping and heating system controls.

4.	 Ongoing general maintenance and building-systems maintenance fund (Budget: $200,000)
        a.	 An initial contribution toward an ongoing house and grounds maintenance fund.
        b.	 Contribution toward regular, annual interior maintenance and cleaning efforts.
        c.	 Contribution toward system repairs and replacements (mechanical/electrical/kitchen equipment).

5.	 Leadership and Legacy Program Fund (Budget: $265,000)
        a.	 The Leadership Fraternity (see next page)


New West-Wing Bathrooms, New Stair, Commons/Entry Improvement                            $1,350,000
                                              Exterior Window Replacement                $285,000
                                       West Wing Heating System Upgrade                  $200,000
                                        Establish House Maintenance Fund                 $265,000
                                    Establish Leadership and Legacy Fund                 $2.5 MILLION

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