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Beta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi House Corporation Board :: Alumnae Relations Office :: P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 :: Winter 2018
A Message lumnae potlight: Martha L. Seay Miller ’63
from the HCB A S
Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter, we’re shining the
Spotlight on HCB Secretary, Sister Martha Miller ’63. From the
Dear Sisters, hometown of New Orleans, Martha grew up in Birmingham before
he Beta Mu House graduating with her degree in music education. She then continued
TCorporation Board is her education at UAB and earned a master’s degree in school coun-
pleased to bring you our seling. Martha’s love of music education brought her back to her high
first newsletter. Our goal school alma mater, where she became the first female high school
is to keep you updated band director for the Birmingham School System. In a career that
on the House Corporation spanned 25 years, Martha also taught band in elementary and middle
Board, Beta Mu Chapter, and the Tuscaloosa- school, along with serving as the Huffman Middle School guidance
Birmingham Alumnae Chapter. The HCB is counselor for six years. Her dedication to the students’ education
working with Elevate, an alumni communi- was recognized when she was honored as teacher of the year – twice!
cations and fundraising company. We have After serving as assistant principal at Huffman High School, Martha retired in 2002. In her free
selected them to assist in producing our time today, Martha enjoys spending time with her daughters, Stacy and Kristy, along with her
Christmas card mailing, this newsletter, and grandchildren Kate, twins Ella and Vaughn, Ryan, and Ally. Additionally, she teaches accordion,
other mailings throughout the year. sings in her church choir, and continues to master the secrets to her prize-winning chili recipe.
We thought this would be a great way to As an active chapter member, what did you The best thing that occurred through Alpha
keep all Beta Mu’s updated with what is hap- enjoy most? Phi was I met my future husband, Levon
pening in Tuscaloosa and possibly reconnect Although I was an active member a short Miller, on a blind date for a swap arranged
you with members and Alpha Phi. The HCB time (Alpha Phi left the university after my by one of my sisters.
is made up of volunteers and our current freshman year), I enjoyed having sit down
board is: dinner every night, singing the Blessing, and What inspired you to become involved with
the chapter again after graduation?
President learning formal table manners. I loved the I pledged Alpha Phi in 1962 and was initi-
Shana Smith, Chi, University of Montana candlelight ceremonies when members got ated in 1963. Unfortunately, the sorority
Treasurer/Vice President pinned or engaged. I am still friends with was withdrawn from campus the summer of
Lindsay Wiggins, Beta Pi, University of sisters I met in those days. 1963, so I really didn’t have a great collegiate
Southern California experience as an undergrad. In the late ’60s,
Secretary a University of Houston alum transplant,
Martha Miller, Beta Mu, University of Carolynne Kent, started up an alumnae group
Alabama in Birmingham, and I have been associated
Board Member ever since. We have hung together for almost
Allison Floyd, Beta Mu, University of 50 years. Several of us have our 50-year
Alabama membership pin. We didn’t have Wear Red
for Heart days then, but I remember the red
We are sad for the HCB, but excited for the lollipop sales for the heart association. I have
Chapter, that Allison Floyd is leaving the enjoyed the connection with women who
HCB to become the new chapter advisor. We had great collegiate experiences.
know she will do a fabulous job working with
the women of Beta Mu. How did you react to the recolonization of
the chapter?
The HCB has regular monthly calls and an In 2008, I was ecstatic to hear Alpha Phi was
annual in-person meeting, either in March going to recolonize at Alabama. Sorority
or April, depending on the Beta Mu Chapter membership was exploding on the UA cam-
pus and I was so excited that Alpha Phi was
This past year, we completed some major part of that expansion. The recruitment
projects in addition to regular maintenance. team was so knowledgeable and professional,
I was honored to become part of the House
(continued on page two) Martha proudly holds her 50-year pin! (continued on page two)