Page 4 - Bordeaux Highlights - Winter 2017-18
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CHapter News
hapter potlight: Haylee Spriggs
Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter Spotlight is Haylee
Spriggs. From the hometown of Southlake, TX, Haylee is in
her sophomore year and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in
commerce and business administration. Currently serving as
vice president of chapter operations, she is also a member of
Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, the Alabama Information
Management Society, and the National Society of Collegiate
Scholars Honor Society. Haylee has an internship at Church
of the Highlands, where she serves the church through their
college programs. In her free time, she enjoys photography,
videography, and travel.
What led you to join the characteristics in me that How would you like to apply your degree?
chapter? I never knew I had, and I am currently studying management informa-
While I was going through overall, became my family. tion systems with a minor in cyber criminology.
formal recruitment, Alpha What type of needs do My dream is to work for the Federal Bureau
Phi was the only house you see at the house that of Investigation or the Central Intelligence
that truly had genuine should be addressed? Agency as an information security analyst.
conversations with me. I We absolutely love when I am also interested in going into consulting
got to know the girls on a alumnae come back to and selling security programs to be installed
personal level, rather than Tuscaloosa to visit. I know in different business companies.
just the generic “What’s we would love to have Outside of school, what do you do for fun?
your major?” or “Where are alumnae come speak to I love to travel! It’s on my bucket list to go
you from?” questions. As us about their careers and to all seven continents; I have already gone
an out-of-state student, I how we can be growing and to four. I even love to just explore Alabama.
was looking for a place to preparing ourselves for our My friends and I will often make day trips on
call my “home away from futures as well. Beta Mu the weekends to different cities, our favorite
home,” and Alpha Phi truly is very thankful for their being Birmingham. Also, I am a very involved
became that for me. I never Haylee and her two littles, Brooke House Corporation Board in a local church here in Tuscaloosa. I currently
quite understood the say- and Braelin, attending one of the and how they are always have an internship there where I get to serve
ing “you’ll meet your true college programs at her internship. coming up with creative the students of Tuscaloosa through their col-
friends in college” until I new ideas to improve the lege programs.
met the young ladies of Alpha Phi. They push house and overall function.
me to be a better person, see qualities and
Jana Greene – An Introduction to If you are interested in an “Alpha Phi Alum
Loves the Tide” gameday button, they
Our New House Mother can be purchased through Allison Floyd,
I have lived and traveled a good bit in my life and do have They are $5 plus the price of shipping.
a lot of things to share with the ladies if they care to All money will be placed into a
know. I am in my ninth year as a house director—I was at scholarship fund to be
two previous universities, and I have been at Alpha Phi at awarded to a current
Alabama for almost three years.
Beta Mu Chapter
I like this position because in so many ways it tends to member.
allow me to view things from a different point of view,
and keeps me young sometimes while making me feel old
at others. It is my desire to, in some way, let the ladies of
the sorority know about the larger world they are prepar-
ing to face when they graduate. I hope in some small way
with at least some of the ladies to accomplish just that.
Bordeaux Highlights :: Winter 2018 « 4