Page 2 - Bordeaux Highlights - Winter 2017-18
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Message from the HCB Alumnae Spotlight: Martha Miller (continued from page one)
(continued from page one)
Corporation Board, serving as secretary. As a
Most significant is a new study room on the
lower level. This room was originally designed member of that board, I was fortunate to par-
as a TV room. However, the members rarely ticipate in the planning for our beautiful new
watched TV in there and instead used it for house. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to
a quiet space for studying. So, this last spring attend the previous two biennial conventions
we had it redone, just in time for finals, and as a board member. I was also a member of the
it continues to be a big hit. We also replaced chorus at the last convention.
a cubby area off the side entrance (located Has music always been your passion?
across from the womens’ bathroom on the My parents operated a large accordion school
main floor) with a trophy case for the various in the 1950s and ’60s. I taught accordion and
awards the chapter has received and had no played professionally for many years. I still
place to show them off. teach accordion and direct an ensemble that
performs quarterly in Clanton, AL, for the Martha enjoying some free time and making
Our other big projects were outside and were Swiss chocolate.
completed this past fall semester. The proj- Alabama Accordionists Association. I have been
ects are: in the choir at All Saints’ Episcopal Church for football and play in the alumni band each year.
40 years. I was a member of the University of I have been clerk of the vestry at church for 15
1. Enlarged the side garden, to accommo- Alabama Million Dollar Band and Choral Union years and serve on many committees. I love to
date more bricks that we sell and make the and initiated in a music honorary. I was a band cook and won the church chili cook-off last year.
space more useable. director in the Birmingham School System for My closest friends and I have participated for
2. Continued the peacock pavers on the back 25 years. I was the first female high school 45 years in a monthly couples dinner club.
porch, extending them to the sidewalk, band director in the Birmingham City School Why do you feel it’s important to stay
which is also helping with the drainage in system, which happened to be my alma mater. involved with the chapter as an alumna?
the back. After several years of teaching band at various I think being involved demonstrates to the
elementary schools, I became band director at
3. Replaced all the back doors leading from Huffman Middle School. chapter that sorority participation can go on
the dining room to the back porch. You for many years after graduation. There is a vast
may ask why, especially when the house Which moments from your teaching experi- network of sisterhood to draw upon.
is only four years old. Well, we found out ence are you most proud of? What advice can you give the alumnae and
that the women never shut the doors, and Leading the HMS band to several state superior young actives about staying involved with
the arched doors could not accommodate ratings. Serving as guidance counselor at HMS the chapter?
a standard door closure. So, after receiving for six years and being named to the Huffman Sorority membership is a microcosm of the
a $19,000 power bill adjustment from the Middle School Hall of Fame. I was twice honored bigger world. There will be an opportunity for
university, we decided to replace them for as teacher of the year and retired as assistant leadership development, conflict resolution,
both financial and safety reasons. principal of Huffman High School in 2002, clos-
ing out an education career of 36 years. time management, social skills, and interper-
We are looking forward to spring semester at sonal relationships. I would advise members
the chapter house and look forward to hear- What type of leadership skills did you pro- to soak up all they can, because there will be
ing from you. Thank you to everyone for their mote with the Jayceettes? many opportunities after school to draw on
continued support of the Chapter, alumnae As a member the Birmingham Jayceettes, I those experiences. I think it is incumbent upon
chapter, and HCB. held local, district and state offices and was alumnae participation to present a different
awarded a lifetime membership in National perspective to and support for the chapter.
Jayceettes. Jayceettes provided opportunities
for development of organization, speaking and
Shana L. Smith civic leadership skills.
HCB President
Outside of work (volunteer and everything
else!), what do you do for fun?
I enjoy skiing, most recently in
Switzerland, and am looking forward
to Austria this winter, as well as areas
in the Rockies. I really enjoy attend-
ing sports and other activities of my
five grandchildren. I love Alabama
Our Alumnae Spotlight, Martha
Miller (far left), along with fellow
HCB members and others at the
2014 chapter house ribbon cutting
ceremony. Martha with her five grandchildren.
Bordeaux Highlights :: Winter 2018 « 2