Page 5 - Bordeaux Highlights - Winter 2017-18
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alumNae News

         The Beta Mu House Corporation Board Has

                          Exciting News to Share                                     Silent

      The House Corporation Board is pleased to   •  Fees and travel expenses for speakers, facili-       Chapter
      announce the establishment of the Beta Mu   tators, or participants
      House Corporation Chapter Leadership Fund.   •  Leadership programming
      This new leadership fund is being established   This is the first Chapter Leadership Fund of its   t  is  with  great
      to provide leadership opportunities to benefit   kind in Alpha Phi history. All Beta Mu members   Isadness  that  we
      the Beta Mu Chapter. Grants will be made to   and supporters should be proud of the HCB      share  Sister  Carolynne
      the  Chapter  to  fund  leadership-centered   and Chapter’s continued focus on leadership    Bond Kent, member
      activities/events/supplements such as:
                                            development for our members.                           of the Birmingham/
      •  Cost of attendance for additional members   To be a fully endowed fund, we must supple-   Tuscaloosa  Alumnae
        at fraternity leadership events     ment the HCB’s donation to raise the required          Group, passed away
      •  All-chapter or new member class-specific   $50,000. We are excited to say that we have an   in October. She was a
        leadership activities               anonymous donor who is willing to match indi-  dedicated alumna of Alpha Phi, serving as
      •  Materials  directly  related  to  educational   vidual donations to reach our $50,000 goal.   president of the Houston Alumnae chapter
        goals                                                                        in 1964, founding the Birmingham and
      •  Room  reservation  fees  for  presentation   If you would like to donate to the Beta Mu   Tuscaloosa Alumnae chapter in 1966, and
                                                                                     helping to establish Alpha Phi colonies.
        space                               House Corporation Chapter Leadership Fund,
                                            please send your check to:               At the 2000 Convention, she received the
                                                                                     Ursa  Major  Award,  recognizing  alumnae
                                               Alpha Phi Foundation                  members who have achieved professional
                                               Beta Mu House Corporation Chapter     success  in their  chosen field.  She will  be
                                               Leadership Fund                       dearly missed, but not forgotten.
                                               1930 Sherman Avenue
                                               Evanston, IL 60201
                                            Or you can call the Alpha Phi Foundation office
                                            at 847-475-4532 for assistance and further
                                            information. We are truly excited about this
                                            Chapter Leadership Fund and want to thank
                                            you for your support.

                                           BUY a Beta Mu BRICK!

                                                        Have you purchased your brick yet for the Beta Mu Alumnae Walkway? Do not
                                                        miss out on this opportunity so that you can see your brick every time you visit
                                                        the house. Leave something that future generations of Beta Mu’s will see, and
                                                        benefit from, thanks to your generosity. Buy a brick today! If you would like addi-
                                                        tional information, please email Shana Smith at All
                                                        proceeds go to the Beta Mu House Corporation Board of Alpha Phi International

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