Page 3 - Bordeaux Highlights - Winter 2017-18
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CHapter News
From the Chapter President
hat a semester weekend of October,
Wit has been for raising over $16,000
Beta Mu! This fall, we for the American Heart
recruited 183 new Association. It was a
members and had a fun time had by all,
fantastic time getting with a catered tailgate
to know them on our for the Arkansas game
Bid Day Retreat at Camp and Sunday brunch at
Skyline (or as we called R Davidson Chophouse.
it, Camp Alpha Phi). In Just before fall break,
late September, alumnae guests and visitors we hosted our biannual
from the executive office joined us for the initia- Coddington Formal
tion of our new members, followed by a recep- and Junior/Senior Inside the chapter house and the beautiful holiday staircase view.
tion at Hotel Capstone. Immediately after ini- Cocktail. These were
tiation, we began preparations for Homecoming just a few of the great date functions we’ve had fundraising team the past few years, and we
Week and Red Dress Weekend! The chapter this semester! In addition to all of the chapter plan on exceeding our goal of $25,000 this year!
had great success during Homecoming, placing events mentioned above, there has been plenty The link below will take you to our team page,
second in the pomp competition and building of time for sisterhood events: we’ve had view- which you can easily share on social media or
quite a ‘sweet’ float for the parade. Our annual ing parties for award shows, a sleepover/movie make a donation through:
Red Dress Weekend took place the second night, and a trip to Griffin Farms Pumpkin Patch
for Halloween! Lastly, the newly elected
executive council was voted into office TR?fr_id=3194&pg=team&team_id=344194
at the beginning of November. We will On behalf of myself, the newly elected executive
be traveling to Dallas for leadership council, and the entire chapter, I would like to
training in February, and are looking thank you each for your investment in and sup-
forward to a great year! port of Beta Mu. Please do not hesitate to con-
tact me personally at
As we get ready to attend Alpha Phi with any questions, concerns, or wise words as
South Leadership Conference, our we move into 2018! Happy New Year!
officers are busy making plans for the
spring semester! The chapter will be AOE,
participating in the Tuscaloosa Heart Courtney Oleksa
Walk on March 3rd and would love your
Formal living room decorated for Christmas. support. Alpha Phi has been the top
Newly Elected
Executive Council
VP of Risk Management
Ashtyn Fields
VP of Member Education and Programming
Jessica Nuzzo
VP of Finance
Jordan Eckert
VP of Membership Recruitment
Kylie Morris
VP of Marketing
Lauren Ostendorf
VP of Community Relations
Makayla Chalacoff
Bordeaux Highlights :: Winter 2018 « 3