Page 14 - Gateways_Spring2021
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News Bites continued
New at the Zoo!
FOOD Gourmet Burgers
and Adorable Plushes
The next time you're near GREAT BEAR WILDERNESS or REGENSTEIN
WOLF WOODS, stop by our newest eatery—Wild Burger. Operated
by Brookfield Zoo’s partner, the SSA Group, Wild Burger features juicy
gourmet burgers, sausages, and tater tots piled a mile high! The SSA
Group prides itself on using local ingredients and house-made
Creating a Memorial specialties whenever possible.
to a Loved One Some menu items to look for include:
• Chicago Fire Burger (with spicy giardiniera and hot mustard)
When walking around Brookfield Zoo, have you ever • Bison Prairie Burger (with ground American bison, candied
noticed the plaques attached to benches and trees bacon bits, smoked bleu cheese, and a BBQ-ranch sauce)
that are inscribed with tributes to loved ones? • Assorted sausages highlighting Chicago’s own Vienna Beef
Commemorating the life of someone who loves • All the Chicago-style hot dogs you can handle
or loved the zoo—a spouse, close friend, or family Wild Burger is located in the building that once housed the Bison
member, for example—makes a statement about Prairie Grill, which was totally refreshed in 2020. SSA looks forward to
what that person has meant to you. At the same welcoming folks back with the full menu as restrictions lift around the
time, it provides financial support for the zoo and state. This is only the SSA Group's latest addition to the zoo. Also check
its important mission. out Bean Sprouts & Cones, which serves up a kid-centered menu
Your memorial gifts can also take the form of a cash based on fun and healthy foods with ingredients kids love. You'll see
gift, or you may prefer to contribute appreciated stock, new food carts and refreshed restaurant menus offering many more
bonds, or mutual fund shares. However you give, you tasty and healthy options.
will be entitled to a charitable deduction for your Since last year, the SSA Group has also been operating the zoo’s gift
thoughtfulness, and your gift will count toward your shops and has stocked them with fresh and novel merchandise. The
Elite Status. SSA Group is known for its focus on sustainability. In conjunction with
Furthermore, it’s possible to establish a memorial Wild Republic plush maker, SSA Group has launched a new line of
for yourself and a loved one through your estate plan. sustainable plush animals—exclusive to Brookfield Zoo—made of
A gift from a will or living trust, naming the Chicago 100 percent recycled materials.
Zoological Society as the beneficiary of a life insurance Make sure to check out our gift shops on your next visit to see what’s
policy or directing all or a portion of an IRA to Brookfield new! And now you can shop the zoo from the comfort of your couch
Zoo, can demonstrate your care and commitment to by visiting and clicking on SHOP.
our programs.
You can also establish a trust that makes regular
payments to you or to family members before the
assets pass to the Chicago Zoological Society. Your
memorial gift will lead to the recognition of your
generosity and foresight in providing for our future.
The gift can be put toward a recognition plaque at
the zoo.
For further information, visit,
or call (708) 688-8174.
To learn more about memorials and tributes at
Brookfield Zoo, visit,
email, or call (708) 688-8560.