Page 34 - Gateways_Winter2016-17
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HOSPITAL continued

    Society veterinarians recently           PIECES OF THE                                               Samples are collected from a snow
conducted five research projects on          WELFARE PUZZLE                                              leopard for research and biobanking.
anesthesia protocols for several animal
species, including Bennett’s wallabies,      We want the animals that call               and reptile skin to obtain an even more
Goeldi’s monkeys, and ring-tailed            Brookfield Zoo home to receive              complete picture of what’s happening
lemurs. Each project has contributed to      the best care possible. We provide          with each animal. Animal care
refined techniques that make anesthesia      them with what we perceive to be            specialists are even training dolphins and
procedures more effective.                   the ideal mix of elements—realistic         polar bears to allow saliva to be collected.
                                             habitats, appropriate nutrition, and
   To improve the welfare of animals in      engaging play items, for example—               Samples such as hair provide a greater
all zoological institutions, the Society is  and then compile the most accurate          amount of information about an animal.
committed to increasing the number of        information about how they are faring.      While urine and feces offer data on the
veterinarians with specialty training in                                                 animal’s past few days or hours, hair can
zoo animal anesthesiology. We regularly          One tool for gathering data on          provide information going back weeks or
welcome postdoctoral anesthesia residents    the animals’ welfare is biological          months. We hope these new “biosamples”
from the University of Illinois College of   samples, similar to how a doctor            will also make it possible to gather
Veterinary Medicine for training rotations.  may ask you to take a special cup to        information about the animal’s immune
They spend four to six weeks per year here   the restroom with you. Your doctor          function and autonomic nervous system,
learning anesthesia techniques for a wide    analyzes the chemicals in the sample        which regulates a fight-or-flight response.
range of animals other than traditional      to make sure you are healthy.
domestic species. Our anesthesiology                                                        What’s more, pioneering technology
program is competitive, and we receive          Traditionally in zoos, we’ve focused     like our newly acquired high-
applications from residents at veterinary    primarily on studying animals’ urine        performance liquid chromatography
schools across the globe.                    and feces to determine the level of stress  machine enables us to tease apart
                                             hormones produced by their adrenal          individual molecules in a sample so we
   The newly inaugurated Anesthesia and      glands. That gives us insight into how      can investigate the specific components
Analgesia Fellowship is a clinical training  their environment might be affecting        of a complex biological sample.
program that is found only at Brookfield     them. Blood also yields much valuable
Zoo. This fellowship is designed to          information, but nobody enjoys being           The more we know, the better we
provide focused clinical training and        poked with a needle, so we use less         can care for our animals. Using the
unique research opportunities for a          invasive strategies whenever possible.      most noninvasive methods, biosamples
veterinarian who has already completed an                                                provide us with positive or negative
anesthesiology residency. The application        Now we’re taking the analysis of        indicators of well-being. Information
and selection process for the first fellow   biological samples further. Research        gleaned from these assessments can
was highly competitive. Ultimately, Dr.      staff are working with animal care and      help us determine how changes
Julie Balko was selected for the position    veterinary staff to begin “biobanking,”     such as revamping an exhibit habitat
in 2016 and 2017. Her research here          collecting samples of shed feathers, hair,  affect the animals living there.
focuses on the use of near-infrared tissue
spectroscopy, technology that measures
the flow of oxygenated blood in the tissues
of anesthetized animals. This tool has not
been used with zoo animals before and
holds great promise for further improving
the safety of anesthesia.


Care for the animals doesn’t come solely
from the veterinary department. Staff

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