Page 35 - Gateways_Winter2016-17
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throughout Brookfield Zoo offer means          Zoos and Aquariums. (Ambassadors are                             This latest project will help us advance
for providing the very best welfare for the    specially selected small animals handreared                   the methods necessary for a large, multi-
species here.                                  to interact with the public, guided by ani-                   institutional research project that has the
                                               mal care specialists.) We are working with                    potential to impact the welfare of many
   The Society has initiated a standalone      seven other zoos to use hormonal analysis                     animals in zoos and aquariums around
Environmental Enrichment Department,           to determine the mental state of 45 ser-                      the world. That’s a tradition we are proud
the first of its kind at any zoo. Enrichment   vals, macaws, and ball pythons, three of                      to uphold.
is the word that describes tools and           the most common species used as animal
techniques that staff use to help the          ambassadors in zoos.                                              Many thanks go to The Grainger
animals practice mentally and physically                                                                     Foundation and the Aurelio M. Caccomo
healthy natural behaviors. Enrichment                  Veterinarians can use portable equipment to make      Foundation for their support of
plays a vital role in the management of               “house calls” to animals’ habitats at Brookfield Zoo.  these programs. █
animal welfare. The department researches
and crafts naturalistic enrichment devices
like puzzles and randomly timed feeders,
which allow the animals to engage with
their environment.

    Recently, veterinarians and enrichment
experts worked together to accommodate
Ramar, an elderly male gorilla who, much
like many older humans, has arthritis in
several joints. Veterinary staff prescribed
medications to ease Ramar’s pain, and
enrichment technicians developed special
devices that encourage Ramar to move
his arms and legs to help him feel better.
Animal care specialists have also added a
comfortable hammock to his habitat.

   The enrichment team works with
animal welfare researchers to study
the effects of enrichment on animal
welfare. Soon, many of the items that
the department has created will become
available for purchase by other zoos,
aquariums, sanctuaries, and rehabilitation
centers. This cycle of research,
development, and dissemination of
technology has the potential to transform
the way animals in professionally managed
care facilities spend their days and function
in their environments.

    Elsewhere at Brookfield Zoo, we are
conducting research to advance the welfare
of animals in our Animal Ambassador
Program, a project that has far-reaching
applications for animals in other insti-
tutions accredited by the Association of

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