Page 103 - Always Virginia
P. 103

Always Virginia                                      91

             In evening V. Smith, Norine, and I went down to Merrigan’s after
                October 6. Came up to Angela’s and had dinner and supper.
             Went to Winchester with Bonensingers. Got a letter from Joey who
             said that anybody who had a date with me was lucky.

                October 7. Senior weiner roast. Had a date with “Curly.” Went
             riding with George Wagner. Followed kids all over town. Grand
             time. He’s nice.

                October 31. Went to Halloween party at school. Had grand
             time at dance. Went to midnight show with Lowell Gwinn. Had
             a good time.

                November 1. Went to party at Angela’s. Grand time. Swell
             refreshments. All the kids over there. We started a club.

                November 2. Went to work about 3 o’clock. After work went
             to Hamilton’s.

                November 3. Slept all afternoon. Gloria, Jean came down. We
             went down to Davison’s. Had fun as usual.

                         First mention of George Fritscher
                        who is 19 and a scholarship athlete
                                boarding at Routt

                November 4. In History, Geo. Fritscher told me to keep an
             open date for Friday nite. Wrote me a note at noon, asked me for
             a date Friday and Homecoming.

                November 5. I answered the note and said I’d go. He wrote
             me another one. He’s real cute. Thrills!!!

                November 8. Had a date with George. I was supposed to go to
             “Jo” Johnson’s party. F. Weid. and V. Easily went with us. George
             had a radio in his car. Swell time!!
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