Page 134 - Always Virginia
P. 134
122 Virginia Day Fritscher
present. They left about 4. In evening Weezie, Norine, and I went
to Merrigan’s in eve.
June 30. I worked at Mace’s [a local drug store] from 9 A.M.
to 10 P.M. Had fun. Mother, Dad, and Harold and I went riding
July 1. Worked at Mace’s again till 6. In evening didn’t do
anything but write a letter to my honey. I got one from him in
July 2. Worked at Mace’s from 8 to 12. Finished up. Made
$4.60. Mildred and I went uptown in afternoon and spent it. I
got my new dress.
July 3. In morning Bud Simon came over in his cute truck
to see me. Said he just came to see those he was interested in. I
worked from 1 to 9. Were we busy. Came home with M. Helena
and Paul. Went to Davison’s.
July 4. Mildred and I took a ride. We went out to State with
John. Saw dull parade. Went on too long. In evening went up to
meet Jimmie. We went to park for dance. Then went to Liberty.
Came home. Was I lonesome for George.
July 5. Norine and I went riding. Lil and I went to see White
Fairy in afternoon. Swell. In evening went up to Angela’s. Bob
Austin wanted a date in afternoon.
July 6. Mildred [Horn] and I went down to Merrigan’s. In
evening we took the car and went down to meet Jimmie.
July 7. Mildred and I went down to Merrigan’s. I stayed home
in evening, I guess. Can’t remember what I did!
July 8. Margaret had a party. Had a swell time. Got home
about 6. Stayed home in evening.