Page 129 - Always Virginia
P. 129
Always Virginia 117
Communion in a body. The Juniors gave us a breakfast afterwards.
It was swell. Father Formaz gave us all a Missal [prayer book].
George was here for dinner and supper. After supper we went rid-
ing. We took pictures at Lil’s in afternoon.
June 1. George and I went down to school to get our grades.
In afternoon we went riding. After supper—graduation—got lots
of nice presents. I [...entry inked out].
June 2. Fool around all day. George and I went to the Carnival.
I won a little dog. We rode on Ferris Wheel. [ of entry cut
off with scissors]
June 3. George and I took a ride in afternoon. We didn’t go
to dance. Stayed home. Had fun!
June 4. George and I had the car. We went out to Cain’s. Shot
around with the rifle. Had fun. Mary asked us to come out Monday.
After supper we went riding.
June 5. Harold, George, and I went out to lake and shot around.
Had fun. After supper we went down to Silverfrost. Jim and Norine
too. We all had hot-dogs and it was Friday! Came home. Had fun!
June 6. I didn’t work. I stayed home with George. We went to
Church together. In evening I got a ducky new hat from Norine
for graduation. We went to dance. Had a keen time. Went to
Wagner’s afterwards.
June 7. George and I went to Communion together. I wore my
white suit and hat. We went on a picnic after Church. Jim, Norine,
and us. Went swimming, boat riding—played ball. Jim had a cabin.
Grand time. We got sun-burned. After supper we went to show,
Showboat. Grand. Swell day.
June 8. George and I had our first date 7 months ago. George
was over for dinner. After dinner we went out to Cain’s. John took