Page 96 - Always Virginia
P. 96
84 Virginia Day Fritscher
June 18. In afternoon I went up to Gloria’s. We went uptown. It
rained. In evening we went riding with Dad. Oh yes! In afternoon
I learned how to drive the car.
June 19. In evening went on weiner roast with J. Sweeney, J.
Horchen, M. Hefferman, and Gloria. In evening we went to dance.
I danced 9 dances with Johnnie Watkins and 1 with Paul Chumley.
June 20. Went down to Kampsville. Had lots of fun. No one
knew me, hardly. Everyone said I was cute. I got a letter from Joe
in the morning. Darling letter from a darling boy. [Three years
later on this date, June 20, 1939, she gave birth to Jack Fritscher.]
June 21. Charles Ford was up all day. In the evening I got 2nd
lesson in driving the car. I drove all the way out of town and in. In
evening Frances Lacy and I went bicycling.
June 22. Mother and I went uptown. I got a new dress. In the
evening we—Gloria, Jean and I—went to the dance at the park.
Danced all the time. Grand time.
June 23. In afternoon Angela and I took a long walk. Had lots
of fun. In evening the Shanahan girls, Harold, and I went riding.
We followed cars all over. Fun!
June 24. Went down to Kampsville. I stayed with Aunt Mag,
while Dad, Mom, John went to Hamburg. Had swell time with the
twins. Aunt Mag and them wanted me to stay. I couldn’t.
June 25. Wrote 2nd letter to Joey.
June 29. Went to work at Woolworth’s at 11 o’clock. First time.
I had a keen time. Beulah came to meet me then we went riding.
More fun with Paul.
June 30. Went up to Angela’s. She treated me to a soda. We
went walking with Gloria. In evening Beulah and I took a walk.
Went to Hamilton’s and swiped about 100 napkins.